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Biotechnological Interventions for Dryland Agriculture : Opportunities and Constraints

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1. Biological Interventions and Dryland Agriculture, 2. Food Security and Poverty Alleviation Through Application of Biotechnology, 3. Agricultural Biotechnologies for Resource Poor Farmers: A Case Study of the Andhra Pradesh Netherlands Biotechnology Programme, 4. Biotechnologies for Resource Poor Farmers of Zimbabwe, 5. Molecular Markers Breeding for Drought Tolerance in Maize for semi-arid regions of Kenya, 6. Molecular Markers in aid of crop Improvement: Progress and prospects in India, 7. Molecular Markers and Marker Assisted Selection in Dryland crops, 8. Use of Marker Assisted Selection (MAS) in Crop Breeding Programmes, 9. Molecular Markers in Rice Breeding, 10. Molecular Markers as Tools for Genome Analysis: Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Select Medicinal Plants, 11. Marker Assisted Selection for Improving A biotic Stress Tolerance in Dry land Crops, 12. Plants as Bioreactors for Producing Vaccines, 13. Genetic Engineering as a Tool to Combat Biotic Stresses, 14. Potential Applications of Genetic Engineering in Improving Nutritional Quality of Oils in Crop Plants, 15. Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Foods in the Indian Context, 16. Risk Assessment Studies on Genetically Modified Crops, 17. Building Capabilities in Biotechnology in India: A Forecasting Exercise for 2010, 18. Human Resource Requirements in the Biotech Sector: An Industry Perspective

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Digital publication
Dec 2020

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