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Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture

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Biotechnology applications in the field of agriculture have high potential to provide large benefits to the farming community, consumers and agribusiness sectors on a sustainable basis. In spite of this potential, the utilization of these technologies in India is quite low. Hence, there is a need for promoting public awareness and education on different aspects of these technologies and their proper utilization. This book, based on a series of workshops, seeks to inform readers about the present situation and growing opportunities for applying different forms of biotechnology in Indian agriculture. The contributors of the papers of this book are all in high positions and well experienced in Agricultural Biotechnology in differnt spheres. “The safe and responsible use of biotechnology will help us to meet the challenges ahead including those caused by climate changes. This book is a timely contribution”.
1. Importance of Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture 2. Different forms of Biotechnology 3. Issues in Biotechnology Applications 4. Partnership and Communication Strategies
Mr. K.L. Srivastava, Consultant, PRDIS is a specialist in natural resources management. He is a former Senior Scientist of ICRISAT, Hyderabad. He also worked as Consultant in Indo-Dutch APWELL Project, Hyderabad. He is associated with Public Awareness Programmes on Biotechnology and Environmental Issues. T. Goverdhan Reddy, President, PRDIS is specialist in Agricultural Economics. Earlier he worked as Professor of Agricultural Economics, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. He has worked in crop economic, and environmental research programmes. Prof. S.Venku Reddy, Executive Director, PRDIS is an agricultural extension and rural development expert with over three decades of experience in teaching, research, training and extension. He has hands-on experience in agricultural extension management, evaluation studies, project preparation and planning, agriculture biotechnology and capacity building programmes. Before founding PRDIS, Dr. Reddy served as Professor of Agricutlural Extension and Head, Extension Education Institute, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Agricultural Extension Services Advisor, Government of Uganda, and Consultant, World Bank. Dr. M. Suryamani, Consultant, PRDIS is Associate Professor (on deputation), Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendrangar, Hyderabad. She is a specialist in participatory methodologies in agriculture and rural development. She has one and half decades of experience in teaching, training, research, publications and management of programmes connected with Agricultural Extension. She is also associated with series of workshops organized on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture supported by APNLBP.

Book Details

Digital publication
Dec 2020

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