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Handbook of Enzyme Biotechnology

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First part of this book is devoted to the principles of enzyme production and usage and the second part to a compilation of data on the industrial enzymes, the details of their production, purification and immobilization and of industrial enzyme practices. The inspiration and incentive for the creation of this volume have arisen, at least in part, from the very successful series of short courses on Enzyme and Fermentation Biotechnology held at the University of Surrey over the years. The many expert contributors to the book have also participated in the lecturing and teaching of these courses and several of the industrial companies who have helped with the courses have also made detailed information available which is included in part two of the book. In such forward-looking ventures, Dr.A. Wiseman and Dr.B. Gould could orgainise the interesting and valuable courses, which have attracted many enthusiastic participants both from the United Kingdom and overseas. The book serves not only as a permanent record of the teaching of the courses but also provides a valuable introduction and source of reference to the many who are employed in this technology and the many more, especially students, who may become interested in the industrial applications of Biochemistry.

PART I : Principles of Enzyme Production and Utilization 1: Introduction to Principles, 2: Principles of Industrial Enzymology, 3: Large-Scale Production of Enzymes: Techniques in Fermentation, 4: Large-Scale Extraction and Purification of Enzymes, 5: Principles of Immobilized-Enzyme Technology, 6: Enzyme Utilization in Industrial Processes PART II : Data for Industrial Application of Enzymes 1: Introduction to Data, 2: Enzyme Data, 3: Fermentation Data and Equipment, 4: Practical Aspects of Large-Scale Enzyme Purification, 5: Data on Techniques for Enzyme Immobilization, 6: Industrial Practice with Enzymes

Book Details

Digital publication
Dec 2021

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