
An Introduction to Sericulture -2nd Edition

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2. Economics of Sericulture
3. Mori-Culture
4. Mulberry Diseases
5. Silkworm
6. Seed Technology
7. Silkworm
8. Silkworm Diseases
9. Marketing
10. Reeling
11. By Products
12. References
About the Author:
M. Madan Mohan Rao
, working as Dy. Director, in the Dept. of Sericulture, Govt. of Telangana, hails from Kuknoorpally village of Siddipet district. He has been awarded Post Graduate Diploma in Sericulture from the Central Sericulture Research and Training Institute, Berhampore, West Bengal, which is an ancillary Institute of Central Silk Board. He is the author of “A Text Book of Sericulture” (1st edition) and
“Comprehensive Sericulture Manual” published by B S Publications and also the Co-author of “Pattuparishrama” a text book for the B.Sc. (Graduate) and Mulberry Cultivation, Mulberry Agronomy,
textbooks for Vocational Sericulture for Intermediate students published by Telugu Academy and Board of Intermediate Education, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh respectively. The author has vast field experience in Sericulture, many of his articles were published in well reputed journals. A good number of his talks were broadcasted through All India Radio, Hyderabad. Many number of his live interactive programmes on various aspects of sericulture were telecasted through Doordarshan and other private TV channels. The author has organized number of orientation programmes on sericulture in
Madhya Pradesh along with National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training (NISIET), Hyderabad and
professional guest lectures on sericulture were delivered at many
National institutes like MANAGE, NIRD, NISIET, SBIRD etc.,
The author with his rural background and experience, suggests Sericulture as an ideal industry suitable for enrichment of economic status of rural farming community and eradicate the problem of unemployment to the educated youth.The author is having assignment to bring out further publications on sericulture in near future. The present text may fill up the gap in sericulture literature for the students, academicians and sericulturists.

Book Details

Dec 2020

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