
Organic Name Reactions: Principles, Mechanisms and Applications

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Special features of the book
We have divided every organic reaction in following subsections:It is hope that this type of presentation will greatly aid the memory and understanding of students.Principle: Includes text and general reactions with examples. We have indicated changes in functional groups while conversion of reactants into final products with the use of advanced ChemBioDraw Ultra tool. The text of manuscript has been made simple and lucid with pictorial presentations.Mechanism: Includes text and detailed stepwise mechanism by highlighting the changes in reactants at every step. The context includes beautiful and clear representation of mechanisms; each step is shown without using any shortcuts. Lone pairs and reaction arrows are indicated clearly by using ChemBioDraw Ultra, making the mechanism easier to follow and understand thoroughly.Applications: Includes text and utility of particular reaction in synthesis of useful product. We have also included stereochemical aspects and orientations for reactions along with its synthetic applications, where it is necessary. Inspite of refreshing the current understanding of name reactions, we have tried to incorporate latest synthetic industrial applications, so that it will help the learners who involved in synthetic research, early career researchers and at large to scientific community.
1. Acyloin Condensation 2. Alder-Ene Reaction (Conia Reaction) 3. Alder-Rickert Reaction 4. Allan-Robinson Condensation 5. Aldol Condensation 6. Allylic Rearrangement 7. Amdori Glucosamine Rearrangement 8. Angeli-Remini Reaction 9. Anschutz Anthracene Synthesis 10. Appel Reaction 11. Arndt-Eistert Synthesis 12. Aston-Greenburg Rearrangement 13. Aza-Claisen Rearrangement 14. Baeyer Indole Synthesis 15. Baeyer Oxindole Synthesis 16. Baeyer Pyridine Synthesis 17. Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation 18. Baltz-Schiemann Reaction 19. Baker-Venkataraman Rearrangement 20. Bamberger Rearrangement 21. Barbier Reaction 22. Barton Reaction 23. Barton-Zard Pyrrole Synthesis 24. Bartoli Indole Synthesis 25. Baumann-Fromm Thiophene Synthesis 26. Beckmann Rearrangement 27. Benzidine Rearrangement 28. Benzilic Acid Rearrangement 29. Benzoin Condensation 30. Birch Reduction (Metal – Ammonia Reduction) 31. Bischler-Napieralski Reaction 32. Blaise Reaction 33. Bohlmann-Rahtz Pyridine Synthesis 34. Bodroux Amide Synthesis 35. Bouveault Aldehydes Synthesis 36. Bouveault-Blanc Reduction 37. Bruckner Isoquinoline Synthesis 38. Bucherer Carbazole Synthesis 39. Cadiot-Chodkiewicz Coupling 40. Cannizzaro Reaction 41. Carbylamine Reaction 42. Carroll Rearrangement 43. Chichibabin Amination Reaction 44. Chichibabin Pyridine Synthesis 45. Chugaev Elimination 46. Claisen Condensation 47. Claisen Rearrangement 48. Claisen-Schimdt Reaction 49. Clemmensen Reduction 50. Combes Quinoline Synthesis 51. Cope Elimination 52. Cope, Oxy-Cope, and Anionic Oxy-Cope Rearrangements 53. Corey-Bakshi-Shibata Reduction 54. Corey-House Synthesis 55. Criegee Mechanism of Ozonolysis 56. Cumene Hydroperoxide Rearrangement 57. Curtius Rearrangement 58. Dakin Reaction 59. Darzens Glycidic Ester Condensation 60. Diazotisation 61. Dieckmann Condensation 62. Diels-Alder Reaction 63. Dienol-Benzene Rearrangement 64. Dienone-Phenol Rearrangement 65. Doebner Reaction 66. Duff Reaction 67. Elbs Persulphate Oxidation 68. Elimination Reaction (E-1/E-2 Reaction) 69. Ester Pyrolysis 70. Etard Reaction 71. Favorskii reaction 72. Fischer Indole Synthesis 73. Fisher Oxazole Synthesis 74. Fischer-Speier Esterification 75. Fittig’s Synthesis 76. Fukuyama Amine Synthesis 77. Fukuyama Indole Synthesis 78. Friedel-Crafts Acylation 79. Friedel-Crafts Alkylation 80. Friedlander Quinoline Synthesis 81. Fries Rearrangement 82. Gabriel Phthalimide Synthesis (Gabriel Primary Amine Synthesis) 83. Gassman Indole Synthesis 84. Gassman Oxindole Synthesis 85. Gatterman Aldehyde Synthesis 86. Gattermann-Koch Reaction
About the Authors:
S. B. Bari
has a commendable track record of achievements and success in his academic career in Pharmacy. He has completed B. Pharm. (1994) from Government College of Pharmacy, Karad and M. Pharm. in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1996) from S. G. I. T. S., Indore (M.P.). He has been awarded Ph. D in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2006) under AICTE-QIP program from University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kakatiya University, and Warangal (A.P.). He has started his teaching career from lecturer at Anuradha College of Pharmacy, Chikhli, Dist: Buldana (M.S.). Then he worked as Assistant Professor, Professor, Vice Principal, Head of Department, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, at R. C. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur. Presently Dr. Bari is serving as Principal and Professor at premier institute an ISO 9001:2008 certified H. R. Patel Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Shirpur Dist: Dhule (M.S.). He has 22 years of teaching experience.

He has more than 156 review and research publications in various renowned national, international levels. He has presented several papers at national and international conferences, ten books and filed

03 patents to his credit. He has received “National Merit Scholarship' from XIth to B.Pharm., Junior Research Fellowship (Gate-94-M.Pharm.), Ph. D (AICTE-QIP Fellowship), V-life Sciences best publication Award 2012, Dr. P.D. Sethi Annual Award 2011-A certificate of merit for research paper, International Achievers Award 2015 by Utkarsh and Manavseva Vikas Foundation at National Achiever's Summit, Aurangabad.

He has supervised 65 at M. Pharm. level Projects and 11 Ph. D students in Pharmacy. His Ph.D. students received several awards like Eli-Lilly and Company Asia Outstanding Thesis (Ph.D) Award (2011), Fast Track Young Scientist (2009) DST Fellowship and Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (2008), UGC, New Delhi.

He is member and faculty member of BOS, Pharmaceutical chemistry at NMU, Jalgaon. He is a Life member of various professional associations like ISTE, IPA, APTI, ICS, IPS. Currently he is Co-ordinator, Faculty of Pharmacy, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.

Book Details

Jan 2021

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