
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry: A Comprehensive Approach

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This fully revised second edition of “Pharmacogonosy and Phytochemistry: A Comprehensive Approach” attempts to provide not only technical corrections, updates and clarifications in all chapters of the original book but also added new topics like serotaxonomical classification, markers, herbal excipients, novel herbal dosage forms, antioxidants in skin cosmetics, skin whitening (bleaching) agents, different chemical classes of cosmetic raw material, edible vaccines, ethanobotany, hallucinogenic plants, teratogenic plants, protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Right Act, 2001 (PPVFR Act), plant breeders' rights (PBR) or plant variety rights (PVR), Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL), ASU- DTAB, ASU- DCC, ASU-Pharmacopoeias, NMPB etc.This revised edition will be more lucid, palatable and will continue to appeal to students and professionals of natural product chemistry.
Part – I: Pharmacognosy:
Pharmacognosy: Scope and History
2. Plant Morphology and Anatomy
3. Basics in Microscopy
4. Cell: Organelles and Inclusions
5. Plant Physiology and
6. Plant Taxonomy
7. Chemotaxonomy
8. Families
9. Cultivation
10.Good Agricultural and Collection Practices [GACP]
11.Quality Control of Crude
12.WHO Guidelines for Safety and Toxicity of Herbal
Part – II: Phytochemistry
Natural Product Chemistry
14.Pharmacognostic Account of Crude Drugs
15.Extraction, Isolation and Purification of Phytoconstituents
Part – III: Phytopharmacognosy
Screening Methods for Plant Drugs
Part – IV: Herbal Drug Technology
Herbs as Raw Material: Processing of Herbal Raw Materials and Dosage
19.Good Manufacturing Practices for Herbal
20.Traditional Drugs and Derived Formulation21. Herbal Cosmetics
Part – V: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Part – VI: Selected Topics in Pharmacology
Recent Trends in Pharmacognosy
24.Photosensitizing Plants, Plant Allergens, Fungal Toxins, Poisonous Plants, Hallucinogenic Plants, Teratogenic Plants
25.Marine Drugs
26.Plant Sweeteners and Bitters
28.Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: National Economy, Industry and Institutes Involved in Research
29. Natural Product Drug DeliveryHerbal Medicines and Intellectual Property Rights
About the Authors:
S. L Deore
is working with Govt. College of Pharmacy, Amravati (Maharashtra) as Associate professor. She has published many research and review papers in various national- international journals about the natural products.
 She has authored four books. She has guided many M.Pharm and Ph.D students. She has awarded with Young Scientist Award and fetched research grant (RPS) from AICTE, Delhi.
 Her area of research is isolation and characterization of phytochemicals, nutraceutical development, herbal formulation, chromatographic analysis and screening of extracts.
S. S Khadabadi is working with Govt. College of Pharmacy, Amravati (Maharashtra) as Principal. He has 25 year of teaching experience. He has been awarded as “Best Teacher” by Maharashtra Government.
 He has filed five Indian patents, published five books many papers in reputed national, international journals. He is Life member of many pharmaceutical professional bodies like IPA, APTI, ISTE etc. He has guided many M.Pharm and Ph.D students.
B. A. Baviskar is Assistant Professor at Govt. College of Pharmacy, Amravati (Maharashtra).
 He has published many research papers in various national- international journals about the medicinal chemistry and natural product chemistry. 
 He has authored three books. He has filed four Indian patents. His area of research is synthesis and screening of drugs, computer aided drug design and natural product chemistry.

Book Details

Dec 2020

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