Concise Pharmacognosy
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"Concise Pharmacognosy", this comprehensive book takes you on a journey through the historical aspects of natural products, providing a clear outline of their origins and uses.
With a specific focus on herbal drugs, "Concise Pharmacognosy" delves into the quality control measures necessary to ensure the effectiveness and safety of these medications. It also highlights the importance of traditional knowledge in the development and usage of herbal remedies.
One of the standout features of this book is its systematic representation of the classification of crude drugs. This categorization provides readers with a clear understanding of different types of natural products and their therapeutic properties.
"Concise Pharmacognosy" also goes beyond medicinal uses and explores the applications of natural fibers in surgical dressings. By providing detailed information on the sources of these fibers, readers will gain a deeper understanding of their role in healthcare.
Additionally, this book delves into the emerging field of nutraceuticals and their importance in promoting overall health and well-being. Readers will learn about the various natural compounds found in food and supplements that can have a positive impact on our bodies.
Finally, "Concise Pharmacognosy" concludes with a precise note on cosmeceuticals of herbal origin. Discover the potential of herbal-based cosmetics and their benefits for maintaining healthy and radiant skin.
Contents:1.    Introduction to Pharmacognosy2.    Classification of Crude Drugs3.    Quality Control of Crude Drugs4.    Secondary Metabolites5.    Crude Drugs6.    Plant Fibres7.    Traditional System of Medicine8.    Role of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in National Economy and their Export Potential9.    Nutraceuticals10. Herbal Formulations11. Herbal Cosmetics12. Preliminary Phytochemical Screening
About the Author:P. Raveesha, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacognosy, V. V. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gudlavalleru. She is having 13 years of experience in Teaching & Research. She is the recipient of Best Teacher Award, Teaching Excellence Award and Associate Fellow of Andhra Pradesh Akademi of Sciences. She also acted as a Board Chairperson for UG Board of Studies for Paramedical Sciences. She authored more than 20 publications and chapters. She is the Life member of several professional bodies Like Indian Pharmaceutical Association (IPA), Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI), Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) & Association of Pharmaceutical Research (APR). Her research expertise is standardization of crude drugs along with isolation and characterization of phytoconstituents. A. Lakshmana Rao, Professor & Principal, V. V. Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gudlavalleru. He is having 23 years of Teaching, Administrative and Research experience. He received several Grants from AICTE, PCI & ISTE. He has guided 12 Ph.D. and 74 M.Pharm. students. He has participated in 106 National and International conferences. He has presented 40 papers in various International and National Conferences and received several prizes. He has organized 50 Seminars, Conferences and workshops at National and International Level. He has contributed 372 Research Publications in various reputed International and National Journals. He was invited as a Guest Speaker for various Seminars and Conferences and delivered 14 Guest lectures. He has received 35 Awards and Honors; the prominent among them are Pharmacy Teacher of the Year Award from Pharmacy Teachers Trust; State Best Teacher Award from Government of Andhra Pradesh; Dr. L.V.G. Nargund Research Excellence Award from Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India; Best Originality in Research Award from Pharma Middle East Congress, USA; Eminent Pharmacist Award from Operant Pharmacy Federation; Overall First Prize Award from International Medical University, Malaysia; Overall Best Scientific Presentation Award in Indian Pharmaceutical Congress; Nobel Principal of the Year Award from Operant Pharmacy Federation; Principal of the Year Award from Association of Pharmacy Professionals; Meritorious University Best Teacher Award from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada; Best Presentation Award in Indian Pharmaceutical Congress; Dr. P.D. Sethi Annual Award from Kongposh Publications Pvt. Ltd. He is acting as Editor-in-Chief, Executive Editor, Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for 127 peer-reviewed International and National Journals. He is a Life member of professional societies like IPA, APTI, APP, OPF, ABAP, APR, IAO, ISTE, IAAC, SKF etc.

Book Details

Dec 2023

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