
Dispensing Pharmacy: A Practical Manual

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The Dispensing pharmacy, a practical manual includes all the dosage forms i.e. Liquid, Solid and Semisolid dosage forms and Pharmaceutical incompatibilities in detail. This manual will be useful for both D.Pharm and B.Pharm students.
Salient features:·
  Altogether 177 experiments are included.
· Each chapter begins with brief introductionto the dosage form, followed by practical examples and student exercise.
· Prescriptions for all practical examples are given in Latin.
· Conversion and Calculation of Latin prescription to English is done for all practical examples.
· All practical examples are explained with theory, procedure, dispensing, labeling instructions and uses.
· Pictorial presentation has also been given for various types of dosage forms, their method of administration and containers in which they should be dispensed, with the intention of sufficient and essential practical knowledge to the students.
· Student's exercise is given at the end of each dosage form, to evaluate the students themselves.
· Definition and meanings for some important terms.Marketed preparations of various dosage forms along with brand name, active ingredients and name of manufacturer.
Prescription 2. Weights and Measures 3. Common Latin terms used in prescription writing 4. Dosage forms 5. Liquid dosage forms 6. Mixtures 7. Elixirs 8. Linctuses 9. Syrups 10. Mouthwashes 11. Gargles 12. Throat paints 13. Throat sprays 14. Sye drops 15. Eye lotions 16. Ear drops 17. Nasal drops 18. Nasal sprays and Nasal washes 19. Inhalations 20. Douches 21. Enemas 22. Lotions 23. Liniments 24. Collodions 25. Paints 26. Official Solutions 27. Aromatic Waters 28. Spirits 29. Tinctures 30. Suspensions 31. Emulsions 32. Ointments 33. Creams 34. Pastes 35. Jellies 36. Suppositories 37. Pessaries 38. Powders 40. Dusting powders 41. Insufflations 42. Dentifrices (tooth powders) 43. Effervescent formulation 44. Effervescent granules 42. Dentifrices (tooth powders) 43. Effervescent formulations 44. Effervescent granules 45. Eutectic Powder (mixture) 46. Explosive powder 47. Powders conttaining potent drugs 48. Cachets 49. Tablet triturates 50. Lozenges 51. Pastilles 52. Incompatibilities
About the Authors:
Sanmathi. B.S.
is presently working as an Assistant Professor in B.S. Anangpuria Institute of Pharmacy, Ballabgarh. Faridabadh. She is having 7 years of teaching experirnce.
Kalpesh K. Mehta is presently working as Lecturer in S. K. Patel college of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Ganpat University, Kherva-Mehsana, Gujarat. He is having 6 years of teaching experience and pursuing his Ph.D., under the guidance of Dr. N. J. Patel from Ganpat University.
Anshu Gupta is presently working as Associate Professor and H.O.D. at Swift School of Pharmacy, Rajpura. He is having 6 years of teaching experience and pursuing his Ph.D., under the guidance of Dr. A. K. Tivari from Punjabi University, Patiala.

Book Details

Nov 2020

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