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Textbook of Biopharmaceutics & Clinical Pharmacokinetics

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The study of biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and clinical pharmacokinetics has become an essential part of various health education curricula. Briefly, these disciplines provide insight into the selection of the proper dosage form, route of administration, and dosage regimen for a successful drug therapy. Quite often the selection of a drug depends on the factors that affect its delivery to a site of action. Therefore, this book is designed to aid in the study of principles needed to initiate and successfully terminate drug therapy once a diagnosis has been made. This book specifically addresses undergraduate students of pharmacy and other health-related fields.
Features• Familiarize the student with the basic principles of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics and their clinical applications• Conventional distribution and disposition-dependent dosage adjustments are discussed along with the newer concept of direct plasma concentration monitoring as a guide to therapeutic management

Introduction to Biopharmaceutics and Clinical Pharmacokinetics 2. Delivery of Drugs: Introduction and Formulation Factors 3. Delivery of Drugs: Dosage Forms and Their Evaluation 4. Delivery of Drugs: Routes of Administration 5. The Distribution of Drugs 6. The Termination of Drug Action 7. Pharmacokinetic Principles 8. The Pharmacokinetic Basis of Variability in Clinical Response 9. The Clinical Pharmacokinetic Basis of Drug Therapy

Book Details

Digital publication
Dec 2021

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