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Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry : A Companion Handbook

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Author of this book is very thankful for giving overwhelmed, positive response and reception with motivation to the first edition of this book from all the corners especially students of pharmacy, botany, biotechnology and chemistry. As per suggestions from students and professionals, new topics like extractions and isolation methods, microscopical aids, chromatographic techniques and their applications, herbarium, hallucinogens, narcotics, toxic mushrooms, intellectual property rights (IPRs) and plants based industries and research institutes in India and many other points are added and elaborated in this second edition of handbook. This pocket handbook is compilation of major important points which students need to remember and read at the time of subjective or objective examinations in subject of natural product chemistry, pharmacognosy or phytochemistry. Author wishes that this second edition of handbook will surely facilitate last minute preparation on topics of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry appropriately.
  Sources of Crude Drug, Classification of Crude Drug,Principles of Plant Classification, Families2. Microscopy of Crude Drugs: Stomata, Trichomes, Crystals, Vessels, Camera Lucida, Micrometers, Mounting Agents, Micro-chemical Reagents3. Biogenesis4. Plant Growth Regulators5.
Cultivation of Crude Drugs6. Pesticides and Insecticides7. 
Quality Control or Standardization of Herbal Drugs (WHO guidelines)8. Adulteration9. Chemical Tests10.TLC Spraying Reagents11.Plant Tissue Culture12.Traditional Medicinal Systems and Formulations13.Pharmacological Classification of Herbal Drugs14.Marine Drugs15.Nutraceuticals16.Carbohydrates17.Proteins18.Lipids19.Enzymes20.Alkaloids21.Glycosides22.Essential Oils23.Tannins24.Resins25.Plant Bitters26.Plant Sweeteners27.Mineral Drugs28.Natural Allergens29.Photosensitizing Agents30.Fungal Toxins31.Hallucinogens, Narcotics, Toxic Mushrooms32.Fibers33. Herbal Cosmetics34.ntellectual Property Rights (IPRs)35.Plants based Industries and Research Institutes in India
About the Author:
Dr. Sharada L. Deore
is Associate professor at Govt. College of Pharmacy, Amravati, Maharashtra, India. She is M.Pharm in Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry and Ph.D in Pharmaceutical sciences. She is additionally possessing Post Graduate Diploma in Patents Law from the NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad. She has published many research papers in various national-international journals about the natural product chemistry. She has authored reference books Plant Biosynthesis, Experimental Phytopharmacognosy and textbook entitled “Textbook of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry”. She has guided number of M.Pharm and 03 Ph.D students. She is life member of professional bodies like APTI, IPA and Society of Pharmacognosy of India. She has fetched Research Promotion Grant (RPS) from AICTE, Delhi. She has also been awarded with Career Award for Young Teachers (CAYT) by AICTE. Her areas of research are intellectual property rights, traditional medicine, isolation and structural elucidation of phytochemicals, neutraceutical development, biological screening, hromatographic and phytochemical analysis of extracts. Recently she has transferred technology of taste masking and fortification for one of popular mushroom nutraceutical.

Book Details

Digital publication
Feb 2021

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