Digital publication

Social and Preventive Pharmacy

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This text book “Social and Preventive Pharmacy” provides a primer for pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists in the principles of public health, causes of diseases, concepts of prevention and control of diseases. It covers important historical developments in public health to show how it has evolved in to current form. It describes the structure of public health, evaluation of public health, control of diseases, health education and hygiene. This text book elegantly provides the entire information about the public health and an indepth discusses the role of pharmacy professionals in promoting and protecting the health of the public. It Includes the principles of prevention and control of various communicable and noncommunicable diseases. This book fills the gap, and provides a strategic approach for designing and implementing large-scale National health programmes that are covered by the health system. The book explains the objectives, functions and outcomes of the health programmes. It provides a better understanding of the needs of health services for mother, child, adolescents and elders. This book explains the relationship between the principles, theories of the social and behavioural sciences and their application to pharmacy practice. It Includes the functions of PHC, Community services in rural, urban and school health, improvement in rural sanitation and health promotion. For the first time based on the revised PCI syllabus, this text book is prepared for the benefit of student community which would help them to grab large amount of information in easy manner without referring many other text books and scientific journals.

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Digital publication
Feb 2021

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