
Pharmaceutical Microbiology: A Comprehensive Approach

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Pharmeceutical Microbiology is one of the important components in pharmaceutical sciences to prepare and maintain the sterile preparations, control the spoilage of drugs and to study the infectious diseases. To excel in pharmacy career students definitely need comprehensive knowledge and strong foundation in pharmaceutical microbiology subject. Many books are available on general microbiology subject but few books on pharmaceutical microbiology are available for students to choose.
 As a teacher having 25 years teaching experience in teaching pharmaceutical microbiology and biotechnology related subjects, I have tried to deal basic microbiology, control of microorganisms, immunology, bacterial genetics, microbiological assays, pharmaceutical applications of microorganisms, industrially important microorganisms, some important diseases and miscellaneous topic under this heading. My academic learning in pharmaceutical biotechnology at postgraduate level and Ph.D levels helped me a lot to deal different topics appropriately. Syllabi of all most all
 Indian Universities is covered thoroughly in this book in a clear and understandable manner, so students need not refer various books for various topics in this subject. Proper care is also taken to prevent the overlap of allied topics which are not appropriate to include in microbiology syllabus.
1. Introduction 2. Diversity of Microorganisms 3. Nutrition and Growth 4. Disinfectants and Antiseptics 5. Immunology 6. Bacterial Genetics 7. Epidemiology of Diseases 8. Microorganisms and their Environment 9. Applications of Microbes Pharmacy 10. Microbiological Assays of Antibiotics 11. Microbial Spoilage and Preservation of Pharmaceutical Products 12. Miscellaneous Topics.
 the Author:Ravi Kumar Maddali,
M.Pharm., Ph.D. PDF(USA), has an exceptional academic career in pharmacy. He did his graduation B.Pharmacy and post graduation M.Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Biotechnology) from Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra University, Waltair, Visakhapatnam in the years 1987 and 1990 respectively. He obtained his Ph.D degree from JNTU Hyderabad in 2005. He did his PDF in 2008, from Eminet services corporation, Maryland USA.
He is a professor of pharmacy has been working as Principal at Geethanjali College of Pharmacy since 2008. He is a dedicated pharmacy teacher who worked in prestigious pharmacy colleges in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh states. In his teaching career his initial seven years was in Tamil Nadu state, from 1997 he has been serving in Telangana State i.e., then Andhra Pradesh. He has rich 25 years teaching experience. He has more than 70 research publications in different national and international journals. He isolated 3 new yeast strains which were stored in culture bank IMTECH Chandigarh. He had also worked in Saudi Arabia and Libya in different capacities. He has also attended international conference in USA. He has supervised research projects at post graduate as well as at Ph.D levels. Dr. Ravi Kumar Maddali is an approved supervisor guest speaker and examiner of different universities. He is a life member of IPA, and APTI.

Book Details

Nov 2020

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