
Microwave Assisted Chemistry Experiments (Organic, Synthesis, Chemical Analysis and Extraction)

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At present the development of chemical and biological sciences is enormous, hence it is anticipated that the demand for the chemists may increase in the near future. Adequate knowledge on the modern techniques such as Microwave chemistry and Computerized tools is essential to have good research background for anybody to be competitive. Microwave-assisted organic reaction enhancement (MORE), an adventurous technique improves the energy efficiency and becomes the structured tool for achieving green chemistry principles in the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and drug intermediates. In light of these inputs, this book titled “Microwave-Assisted Chemistry Experiments (Organic synthesis, Chemical analysis and Extraction)”, covers the principles and applications of microwaves in the field of organic synthesis, organic analysis and natural product extraction in a comprehensive and user friendly way. This book serves as a resource for students of chemistry including pharmaceutical chemistry graduates and as a reference guide for the research scholars.
Salient features of this book are
· The reaction mechanisms component of each experiment adds real interest to revise key aspects of organic chemistry related to microwaves.
· The comparative study of microwave methods vs conventional methods is reported.
· Special guidelines for the optimization of microwave reaction conditions are also important element of this book.
Part – 1 Introduction1.
Microwave-Assisted Organic Reactions 2. Important Microwave Reactions 3. Optimal Conditions for Microwave-Assisted Organic Synthesis 4. Special Guidelines
Part - 2 Organic SynthesisMicrowave Intensity and Power (Watts)Acetylation1.
Preparation of Aspirin 2. Preparation of Acetanilide 3. Preparation of N-Acetylanisidine 4. Preparation of Paracetamol 5. Preparation of α-Glucose PentaacetateEsterification6. Preparation of Benzocaine 7. Preparation of ButambenElectrophilic Aromatic Substitution8. Preparation of Nitrobenzene 9. Preparation of m-di-Nitrobenzene 10. Preparation of p-BromoacetanilideAlkylation11. Preparation of Methyl-2-Napthyl Ether 12. Preparation of AnisoleBenzillic Acid Rearrangement13. Preparation of Benzilic acidClaisen-Schmidt Condensation14. Preparation of Benzylidene Acetophenone 15. Preparation of BenzalacetoneWilliamson Ether Synthesis16. Preparation of PhenacetinFischer Indole Synthesis17. Preparation of 2-PhenylindolePerkin Reaction18. Preparation of Cinnamic AcidHydantoin Synthesis19. Preparation of HydantoinBiltz Synthesis20. Preparation of PhenytoinSchiff Bases21. Preparation of Furanylmethylidene Aminophenol (Solventless Reaction) 22. Preparation of Furanylmethylidene Aminophenol (Solvent Reaction)Bernthsen Phenothiazine Synthesis23. Preparation of PhenothiazineBernthsen Acridine Synthesis24. Preparation of 9-PhenylacridineKnoevenagel Condensation25. Preparation of Coumarin 26. Preparation of 5-Arylidenethiazolidine-2,4-dioneHantzsch 1,4-Dihydropyridine Synthesis27. Preparation of 1, 4-Dihydropyridine 28. Preparation of N-Aryl-1,4-dihydropyridine by (Solid Phase Reaction) 29. Preparation of N-Aryl-1,4-dihydropyridine from Schiffbase (Solid Phase Reaction)Radziszewski Imidazole Synthesis30. Preparation of 2,4,5-Triaryl Imidazole (Solventless Reaction) 31. Preparation of 2,4,5-Triaryl Imidazole (using glacial acetic acid as a solvent) 32. Preparation of Tetraaryl Imidazole 33. Preparation of Tetraaryl Imidazole via Schiff base (Solventless Reaction) 34. Preparation of Tetraaryl Imidazole via Schiff base (Solvent Reaction)Mannich Reaction35. Preparation of Mannich BasePhilips Reaction36. Preparation of Benzimidazole 37. Preparation of 2-Phenylbenzimidazole 38. Preparation of Benzimidazol-2-one 39. Preparation of Benzimidazolesulphonic AcidAmide Synthesis40. Preparation of N-Butylbenzamide 41. Preparation of PhthalimideHaloform Reaction42. Preparation of IodoformPaal-Knorr Pyrazole Synthesis43. Preparation of 3-Methyl-1-phenyl pyrazole-5-oneNucleophilic Addition44. Preparation of ChlorobutanolOxidation45. Preparation of Benzil 46. Preparation of 2-Nitrobenzoic Acid 47. Preparation of Benzoic AcidHydrolysis48. Preparation of Benzoic Acid 49. Preparation of Benzoic Acid from Phenyl Benzoate Part - 3 Qualitative Analysis50. Qualitative Analysis of Carbohydrates 51. Preparation of Derivatives of Organic Compounds 52. Degradation of Atropine 53. Degradation of Trimyristin Part - 4 Quantitative Analysis54. Determination of Saponification Value 55. Determination of Loss On Drying 56. Estimation of Amides 57. Estimation of Esters 58. Estimation of Carbonyl Compounds 59. Assay of Riboflavin 60. Estimation of Aspirin 61. Estimation of Aspirin in Aspirin-Caffeine Tablets Part - 5 Natural Component Isolation62. Isolation of Red dye from Caesaipinea sappan 63. Isolation of Mucilage from Plants 64. Isolation of Pectins from Plants 65. Isolation of Phenolic Compounds from Grape Seed 66. Isolation of Piperine from Pepper 67. Isolation of Caffeine from Tea
About the Authors:
B. R. Prashantha Kumar,
M. Pharm, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at JSS College of Pharmacy, JSS AHER, Mysuru. His research group is working on developing novel Glitazones targeting PPAR-α and PPAR-γ for the past 17 years. As evidence to it, published 48 articles in a peer reviewed journals and two granted Indian patents. He is a recipient of STAR award 2018 for excellence in research from American Association of Government College of Pharmacy Alumni. He was an Organizing Secretary for Drug Chemistry center (2014-2019) to impart training for the science faculty across the country. He is a reviewer for Nature Scientific Reports and European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry.

T. Durai Ananda Kumar, M Pharm, Ph.D., is working as an Assistant Professor, in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, JSS College of Pharmacy (a constituent College of JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research), SS Nagara, Mysuru. He has teaching experience on Medicinal Chemistry, Computer-Aided Drug Design, Food analysis and Herbal and cosmetic analysis for B. Pharmacy and M. Pharmacy students. He has supervised and guided research projects on the Structure Based Drug Design (SBDD) and chemometrics approaches for B. Pharmacy and M. Pharmacy (Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis) students. He has published research articles in various National and International journals. He has authored four books titled, Elementary Pharmacoinformatics, Experimental Organic Medicinal Chemistry-Principles and Practice, Current concepts in drug design and Computer aided drug development. He is on editorial board and reviewer for peer reviewed journals. He is a life member of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) and registered pharmacist of Tamilnadu State Pharmacy Council.

Book Details

Feb 2021

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