
Databook for Clinical Pharmacology

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About the Book:
Any professional dealing with drugs should possesses clinical knowledge about it. The author has tried his best and compiled this databook to give the right knowledge to professionals about drugs.
 The Databook has been segregated into four important chapters. Chapter I comprises clinical data of hundreds of drugs. Chapter II assembles the pharmacokinetic data of several drugs. Chapter III and IV elaborate the drug-drug interaction and adverse drug reactions respectively.
 The book has separately included references for further reading. This book provides the most up-to-date data for hundreds of drugs all described in generic term. It covers several groups of drugs from analgesic and sedative to anticancer agents. Essential clinical materials are included in this Databook for necessary background information and to complement the kinetic data (Pharmacokinetic) of drugs. The book also includes important chapters on drug- drug interactions and adverse drug reactions in a most exhaustive manner.
 This book is primarily targeted for the students of B. Pharm., M. Pharm. The book will also draw attention of M.B.B.S., M.D. (Medicine) students, medical practitioners, pharmacologists, clinical workers and toxicologists.The author has tried to compose the databook informative, up-to-date, well incorporated and coherent.
Key Features:
·Contains clinical data of 525 drugs.
·Presents pharmacokinetics data of 782 drugs.
·Provides exhaustive list of Drug-Drug interactions.
· Included detailed about Adverse Drug Reactions.
Contents: 1. Clinical Data Text, Clinical Data Tables 2. Pharmacokinetic Data Text, Pharmacokinetic Data Tables 3. Drug Interactions Text, Drug Interactions Tables 4. Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) Text, Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) Tables
About the Author:
Dr. T.K. Chatterjee
, an Ex-UGC (Govt. of India) Research Scientist and presently a Faculty member of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Jadavpur University, Kolkata, has been actively engaged in Pharmacological & toxicological research and teaching for the last 3 decades.
  He has been resourceful contributor of more than 108 research papers in journals of National and International repute, and he has to his trust worthiness as a distinguished author of book entitled
“Handbook on Laboratory Mice & Rats” (1993), “Herbal Options” (1st edition 1996, 2nd edition 1997, 3rd edition 1999), “Chemotherapy of Tropical Parasitic Infection” (1st edition 1995, 2nd edition 1999), “Skin
Diseases and Treatment” (1st edition 1999) , “A Handbook of Pharmacology” (2011). “Pharmacological properties of Coccania grandis” (2012), “Medicinal plant Abrus precatorious L.” (2012), “Antidiabetic plant Steospermum suaveolens (Roxb.) DC (2012), “Rodents
for Pharmacological
Experiments” (2013), “Antioxidant & Anti-diabetic Activities of Polyalthia longifolia Leaves” (2014), that attracted widespread recognition from various organizations of Pharmaceutical, Medical and allied sciences. International conferences in different countries like Sweden, Germany, Belgium and U.K. have also been enriched by his resourceful papers, a number of times. Dr. Chatterjee is also a freelance Bio-Medical writer with appreciable expertise. He was felicitated by different organization awarding him with prestigious awards like Ram Mohan Puraskar, Aadi Samman, NIMA Award, Nagarjun Puraskar etc., for his contribution in Pharmaceutical science.
  With the discovery of a new antibiotic MT81 (Patent No. 156916), Dr. Chatterjee's research work stands in high esteem embracing in depth study on the subject, and thus adding a new plume into his ever increasing contribution in the fields of Medical healthcare.

Book Details

Dec 2020

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