
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology

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Cellular and Molecular
 Pharmacology is the first book of this type in the market for the M Pharmacy students and is written as per new syllabus of PCI, India. The book is divided into five units and 20 chapters. The book provides the key insight into topics including recombinant DNA technology, PCR, ELISA, Blotting, Gene therapy, Gene Sequencing, Autophagy, Apoptosis, Micro-Array Technique, Gel electrophoresis, Pharmacogenomics, Gene mapping, Genetic Variations, Proteomics. Genomics, Cell signaling pathways, lmmunotherapeutics, Biosimilars, Animal Cell Culture, Assays and Flow Cytometry. We hope the book will cater the needs of students as well as young faculty in understanding the basic of cellular and molecular pharmacology .
Unit - 1: Cell: Biology1. Cell and Organelles2.Genome3.Necrosis and Autophagy4. Apoptosis5.  Gene Sequencing6.Cell Cycle and Regulation
Unit - 2: Genomic and Proteomic Tools
Recombinant DNA Technology8. Gel Electrophoresis9. Gene Therapy10. Polymerase Chain Reaction11. ELISA and Micro Array Technique12. Western Blotting
Unit - 3: Pharmaco-genomics13.
Gene Mapping and Genetic Variations14. Polymorphisms Affecting Drug Metabolism and Drug Transporters15. Proteomics Sciences
Unit - 4: Immuno-therapeutics, Cell Culture and Biosimilars (Immunotheraputic Agents and Biosimilars)16.
Immunotherapeutics and Biosimilars17.
Animal Cell Culture18.Assays and Flow Cytometry (Principles and Applications)
Unit - 5: Cell Signaling
Receptors and Secondary Messengers 20. Intracellular Signaling Pathways

About the Authors:
Amteshwar Singh Jaggi
M. Pharm., Ph.D. {Pharmacology) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, Punjabi University, Patiala. He is having 18 years of experience in teaching and research in pharmacology. He has published more than 165 research and review articles in international of high repute with total citations 5998, h-index 42 and i10-index 110. He has also written six books.
Jasleen Kaur Virdi M. Pharm. {Pharmacology) is a Research Scholar Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, Punjabi University, Patiala. He has published five research and review papers in International journals.Anjana Bali M. Pharm., Ph.D. {Pharmacology) is working as Assistant Professor at Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Central University of Punjab Bathinda. She is having 03 years of teaching experience and 07 years of research experience in the pharmacology field. She has published more than 39 reviews and research articles in International journals of high repute {total citations: 1502; h-index 15; i10-index 25). She has published 04 books and one book chapter.
Nirmal Singh M. Pharm., Ph.D. (Pharmacology) is Professor and Head in Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research, Punjabi University, Patiala. He is having more than 20 years of experience in teaching and research. He has published more than 200 research and review articles with total citations 7200, h-index 45 and i10-index 115. He has also written six books.

Book Details

Jan 2021

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