
Advanced Pharmacology

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“Advanced Pharmacology” aimed to deliver such topics of drugs which are very important to be know by any healthcare professional, but found rarely in any books or library. Complete idea of publishing it, is to provide readers a good platform to study the rare topics in pharmacology. This book is recommended for MBBS, MD (Pharmacology), DM (Clinical Pharmacology), Pharm D., M. Pharm and B. Pharm students or any other healthcare professionals. The book is a strong learning aid for post graduate teaching and also helps clinicians or other heathcare professionals understand the pharmacological basis of pharmacotherapeutics through thematic flow diagrams and logical explanations for specialized topics in pharmacology to ease the reading. Book is divided into three sections; Initial two sections of the book deal with basic aspects of clinical pharmacology, regulation and therapeutics; also address the most recent advances in the field. Third section is thoroughly updated to provide readers with an ideal reference that covers wide range of neglected but important topics. It also provides a rich collection of material on critical areas such as medication errors, rational use of drugs, self medication, drug compliance etc. Several other essential regulations framed in India for drugs have been incorporated in the chapters drug policy, drug pricing, orphan drugs etc. Further, critical issues in pharmacology like usage of drugs in pregnancy, renal and hepatic complications, drug-drug interactions etc. are also addressed in a point specific manner to simplify the language to readers. Emerging topics in medical fields like regenerative medicine, nanomedicine, electronic prescribing (e-Rx), drug surveillance systems like Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance, Materiovigilance etc. are well explained. Hope, “Advanced Pharmacology”, will fulfill the demand and need of healthcare professionals by covering the important and rare topics on drugs.
Section – I 1. Essential Medicines 2. Medication Errors 3. Chronopharmacology: Diurnal Variation of Drug Action 4. Over the Counter (OTC) Drugs 5. Rational use of Drugs 6. Self-Medication 7. Drug Information Unit (DIU) 8. Drug Compliance 9. Direct-to-Consumer Advertising: Benefaction or Affliction 10. Orphan Drugs: from Development to Market 11. Drug Label 12. P-Drug 13. Drug Price 14. Clinical Relevance of Drug Isomerism (Enantiopure Drugs) 15. Counterfeit Medicines 16. Drugs and Sports 17. Expired Drugs 18. Drug Lag 19. Drug Policy-Different States in India 20. Narcotics 21. Drug and Off-Lebel Use
Section – II 22. Drugs used in Pregnancy 23. Drugs uses in Pediatrics 24. Drugs uses in Geriatrics 25. Drug and Hepatic Dysfunction 26. Drug and Renal Dysfunction 27. Drug and Malnutrition 28. Clinical Implication of Fixed Dose Combinations (FDC) 29. Drug-Drug Interactions 30. Natural Products and Drug Interaction 31. Clinical Relevance to Drug Interactions 32. Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Surgery
Section – III 33. Regenerative Medicine 34. Nanomedicines 35. Computer Aided Drug Discovery (CADD): A QSAR Approach 36. Electronic Prescribing (eRx) 37. Medication Reconciliation 38. Tools for Patient Safety: Pharmacovigilance, Biovigilance, Materiovigilance 39. Biologics and Biosimilars
Section – IV 40. Biological Passport 41. Drug in Legal Aspects 42. Drug-Excipient Interactions 43. Nutraceuticals 44. Virtual Clinical Trial 45. Metagenomics 46. Therapeutic use Exemption 47. Systems Pharmacology 48. Drugs and Radiation: Interaction to Therapy 49. Forensic Pharmacology 50. Drug Repositioning
About the Authors:
Bikash Medhi, Professor and Additional Medical Superintendent (AMS), Department of Pharmacology, PGIMER is known Pharmacologist in country and abroad. He has extensive experience of 15 years in Pharmacology and has honored with several National and International Awards. Dr. V.K. Bhargava award-2013 by National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS)-2013, Dr. B N. Ghosh Oration-2010 and Dr. D.N. Prasad Memorial Oration Award-2009 by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi, are recent. These prestigious prizes are awarded for his valuable contribution to research and education in the field of Pharmacology. He is working in the field of neuroscience, cancer and gastrointestinal diseases. He has about 190 International and National published papers in peer review research journals and has written several chapters. He has written “Practical Manual of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology” one of the popular book in Pharmacology. In addition to his educational and research carrier, he is actively involved in regulatory. He is member in several regulatory committees such as, Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC), Good Clinical Practice inspection (GCP) and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) inspector, Clinical secretary, IPS, Fellow of International Medical Sciences Academy (FIMSA), Member of National Medical Academy (MAMS), Member of Sports Committee (Anti-doping), India and Society for Rational Drug Use etc. He is actively involved in pharmacovigilance program of India (PvPI) and haemovigilance program. His hard work and innovation really contributed and evolve Pharmacology in new shape.
Ajay Prakash,
is Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, PGIMER, Chandigarh is budding Pharmacologist and completed his PhD from Punjab University and PGIMER, Chandigarh under Prof. Kanwaljit Chopra and Dr. Bikash Medhi. He was extensively studied the non-clinical and clinical Pharmacology and has 5 years of experience in the field. Further, he has around 40 research papers in his credit and published in peer reviewed journals. He had written book chapters and co-authored the book entitled “Practical Manual of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology” one of the best selling book in Pharmacology across India and abroad. He was honored by several National and International awards for his research work done in the field of Pharmacology.

Book Details

Jan 2021

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