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Weather Satellites

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It is an acknowledged fact and also a common experience that the accuracy of weather prediction has increased substantially in the last two decades or so. This can be attributed to a large extent to the continuous upgradation of the capabilities of weather satellites. India has always been at the forefront in this area and currently it has two very sophisticated state-of-art INSAT-3D satellites that provide half-hourly images of the weather, and a variety of data like vertical profiles of temperature, cloud motion winds and sea surface temperature.The purpose of this book is to explain the science behind the weather satellites, the constraints of technology, and the wide possibilities of application. That too in a simple way that would make it interesting to readers whether they are well-versed with meteorology or not.
1. An Eye in the Sky 2. India’s own INSAT 3. Interpreting the Images 4. Monitoring the Monsoon 5. Tracking the Cyclones 6. Winter Weather 7. Observing the Oceans 8. Looking at Land 9. Wind and Temperature 10. Counting the Clouds 11. Measuring the Rain 12. Inside the Clouds 13. The Ozone Hole 14. Predicting the Weather
About the Author:
Dr. Ranjan R. Kelkar began his career in meteorology in 1965 and retired as Director General, India Meteorological Department, New Delhi, in 2003. After that he was ISRO Chair Professor at the Pune University until 2008. He is currently a freelance writer, speaker and internet blogger. He has written several books on meteorology as well as spirituality in which he has a parallel interest. He has had a long association with the Indian Meteorological Society and has served as its Secretary, Vice-President and President.

Book Details

Digital publication
Jan 2021

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