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Unix / Linux FAQ (With Tips to Face Interviews)

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In the recent years, many eye-catching books became available with titles tagged with FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) such as C FAQ, C++ FAQ, Java FAQ etc.
 In the same pattern, this book is also designed as UNIX / LINUX FAQ .The author has vast experience in Unix and Linux and that prompted him to bring a book for the benefit of students to perfect their knowledge in these areas. The questions and answers are taken from various USENET groups in the Internet. Most of the questions are tested under Linux platforms, such as Red Hat, Fedora core or Slack ware distributions.
The book is divided into four modules – 1. Questions and Answers, 2. Multiple Choices Questions (MCQs), 3. Fill in the blanks and 4. True or false statements. The questions, in each module, range from simple to complex.
Most generally asked questions about Linux in Interviews explored in detailA module on filling the blanks includes almost 500 questions with answersAbout 500 multiple choice questions with answers are included to make the students ready for competitive exams and to test their abilities in UNIX/Linuxabout 700 true or false questions are included to test the technical knowledge of the candidatesSome questions related to System Administration are also includedQuestions
related to C and UNIX/Linux interface are covered


1. Frequently Asked Questions with Answers, 2. Multiple Choice Questions, 3. Fill in the Blanks, 4. True or False Questions, 5. Answers for Multiple Choice Questions, 6. Answers for Fill in the Blanks, 7. Answers for True or False Questions
About the Authors
Dr. N. B. Venkateswarlu

 his B.Tech from SV University, Tirupathi, M.Tech from IIT-Kanpur and Ph.D from BITS, Pilani on the topic of “Some Efficient Serial & Parallel Image Processing Algorithms”. He started his teaching career in the Computer Science Dept. of BITS Pilani, and was a Visiting Fellow at the University of Leeds, UK, during 1993-95. Currently, he is a senior Professor and Head, IT Department of GVP College of Engg, Madhurawada, Visakapatnam. He is also the founder Director of the RITCH Center at Visakhapatnam. He has contributed papers in International Journals and Conferences. He authored few titles related to UNIX/Linux.

Book Details

Digital publication
Dec 2020

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