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Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometry in Pharmaceutical Analysis

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The monographs of almost all bulk pharmaceuticals and formulations contain UV-VIS spectrophotometric measurements. These are partly simple spectrophotometric tests and partly complex methods where the spectrophotometer is used as the monitor in HPLC instruments, automatic analyzers, etc. The several books available naturally do not reflect the new developments and the changing role of UV-VIS spectrophotometry in analytical chemistry. This especially applies to the pharmaceutical field, and this book is the first to be fully devoted to the application of this classical yet, even up to the present time, continuously evolving method. The book is primarily aimed at practicing analysts working in various fields of pharmaceutical analysis (industrial, clinical, and regulatory drug testing laboratories, etc.) and it will be useful for analysts working in other areas as well.


Introduction 2. The Measurement of Light Absorption (and Reflection) 3. Qualitative Analysis: Relationship Between the Structure and Spectra of Pharmaceutical Compounds 4. Quantitative Analysis on the Basis of Natural Light Absorption 5. Combination of Spectrophotometric Methods with Chromatographic Techniques 6. Spectrophotometric Methods Based on Chemical Reactions 7. Chemical and Spectroscopic Characterization of Derivatization Reactions 8. Difference Spectrophotometry 9. Spectrophotometric Determination of Pharmaceuticals in Various Matrices 10. Spectrophotometric Analysis of Some Important Groups of Drug Compounds.

About the Author

Sándor GÖrÖg has been a Director of the Synthetic Organic Research Chemical Works of Gedeon Richter Ltd. in Budapest, Hungary, since 1986. He was previously a Research Fellow (1959-76), and Head of the Physio-chemical Research Department (1976-86) at Gedeon Richter Ltd. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Co-ordination Chemistry (1959) from the University of Szeged; a C.Sc. in Steroid Analysis (1968), and a D.Sc. in Spectrophotometric Drug Analysis (1973), both from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; and is an Honorary Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Semmelweis Medical University's School of Pharmacy, Budapest (1975). Professor Gorog is a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Chairman of the Pharmaceutical and Organic Analysis Working party (1986); Vice-Chairman of the Analytical Division of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Association (1975-83). He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Acta Pharmaceutical Hungarica; Editor of the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analytical Chemistry. Professor Gorog has written four other books on steroid analysis.

Book Details

Digital publication
Dec 2021

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