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The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing

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This book provides a practical approach to compiler implementation and shows how the different language features are handled and translated in the compilation process. Unlike most books in this area, The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing thoroughly covers programming language design and error detection, and recovery techniques in compilation,  enabling readers to get a firm grasp on compiler planning and programming.            Traditional topics such as lexical analysis, syntactic analysis, symbol table handling, semantic analysis, code generation and code optimization are given balanced coverage, so that readers learn about these pivotal compiler topics without being overwhelmed with unnecessary detail and theory..
ContentsIntroductionNotation and Concepts for Languages and GrammarsProgramming-Language DesignScannersCompile-Time Error HandlingTop-Down ParsingBottom-Up ParsingSymbol-Table-Handling TechniquesRun-Time Storage Organisation and ManagementIntermediate Forms of Source ProgramsSemantic Analysis and Code GenerationCode OptimizationMachine-Dependent OptimizationCompiler-Compilers
About the AuthorsJean-Paul Tremblay is Professor of Computational Science at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of New Brunswick. His research interests currently focus on data structures, compiler writing, and computer-aided analysis and documentation.Paul G. Sorenson is Professor and Head in the Department of Computational Science at the University of Saskatchewan. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Toronto. His current research interests are in the areas of data base design, high-level interfaces to database systems, and information systems analysis and design.

Book Details

Digital publication
Aug 2024

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