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“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” – Mohandas K. Gandhi The book offers tools to achieve success and to fast-track your career. It unveils the skills essential for freshers to succeed in employment interview. It inspires students to dream and achieve big. This book
·         Outlines the roadmap for students' success.
·         Elaborates various aspects of education, employment and emotional intelligence.
·         Introduces 'Play and Learn' Method - an innovative learning tool for students.
·         Addresses fresher’s concerns and equips them with clarifications.
·         Implores them to add value to soar like eagles.
·         Urges educators to help successful students to become even more successful.It is an inspirational book for students, parents, learners, and leaders. You can easily toss the book into a briefcase, or purse and read here and there as time allows.

International Acclaim for this Book“While his ostensible focus is on “freshers” (those just entering the workforce), Professor M. S. Rao and M. Ganesh Sai remind us that we are all students, and that we can and should continue to hone our communication, team building and problem solving skills throughout our careers and our lives. With these skills, we will surely Soar Like Eagles!”Marshall GoldsmithThe Thinkers50 Award Winner (sponsored by Harvard Business Review)for Most-Influential Leadership Thinker in the World
“Your ability to get the right first job for you can have an impact on the rest of your career. This book shows you how to start your career in the best possible way.”Brian Tracy,Author – Get Paid More and Promoted Faster

“Professor M.S. Rao and his son M. Ganesh Sai have come out with yet another inspiring leadership book for students, Soar Like Eagles! Success Tools for Freshers (For those who are not familiar - In India, “freshers” means the fresh graduates passing out of educational institutions seeking employment opportunities in the corporate world). This book contains interesting anecdotes, illustrations and stories for freshers to grab the employment opportunities and fasttrack their careers. It is an inspiring book every fresher should read!”Dr. Tony Alessandra,Author of The Platinum Rule and Charisma and CEO

“The international management thinker, Professor M.S.Rao with his son M.Ganesh Sai authored the book titled Soar Like Eagles! Success Tools for Freshers It equips freshers and students with tools and techniques and builds their confidence to achieve big in their lives."Chris Widener,Bestselling leadership author,

“The global leadership guru, Professor M.S. Rao with his son, M. Ganesh Sai have come out with yet another leadership book for students. It outlines the roadmap for students' success and elaborates various aspects of education, employment and emotional intelligence to achieve quick career success.”Arthur F. Carmazzi,World's Top Ten Leadership Guru and Founder of DirectiveCommunication PsychologyAuthor of “Lessons from the Monkey King – Leading Change to CreateGorilla Sized Results

Contents:PART I – STUDENTS: 1. Lead India, 2. Power of Students, 3. Cultivate an Ambitious Mindset, 4. Don’t Compare with Others, 5. Chess and Success, 6. 3 Aspects to Achieve Success, 7. Understand Id, Ego and Super Ego, 8. Set Your Goals, 9. Spot Your Talents and Build Skills around them, 10. The Skills the Employers Look for in Freshers, 11. Attitude is Your Asset, 12. Acquire Aptitude, 13. Be Effective to Achieve Greatness, 14. Be an Example to Excel as a Leader, 15. Manage External Threats to Excel as a Leader, 16. Participate in JAM Sessions, 17. Blend Hard and Soft Skills, 18. Acquire Smart Skills to Stand out as a Smart Leader, 19. Possess Inquisitiveness, 20. Learn Effectively, 21. Read Your Manuscript Aloud, 22. Manage Your Time, 23. Employment is not an Affair between the Employees and Employers, 24. Stay Away from Suicidal Tendencies, 25. Build Your Brand, 26. Build Your Fan Base, 27. Make Peace to Progress, PART II – EDUCATORS: 28. Education versus Experience, 29. Education is not for Employment Alone, 30. Education is Incomplete without Extracurricular Activities, 31. S. Radhakrishnan – A True Academic Leader, 32. Be a Responsible Educator, 33. Be a Coach like Lord Shri Krishna, 34. Help Successful Students Become Even More Successful, 35. Emotional Intelligence for Educators, 36. Students Excel Better than their Educators, PART III – MISCELLANEOUS: 37. Unsuccessful Parents and Successful Children, 38. Women Appreciate Men who are Persistent, 39. We all were Born from the Wombs of Women, 40. Add Value to Soar Like an Eagle

About the Author

Professor M.S.Rao is an international leadership guru who rose from humble origins. He is recognized as one of the world's leading leadership educators, authors, speakers, coaches, consultants and practitioners. He has 32 years of experience in leadership development, and conducts leadership development training programs for various corporates and educational institutions. He is a Success Coach and Motivational Speaker, and delivers guest lectures upon request. He coined a new leadership tool – Soft Leadership Grid; leadership teaching tool – 11E Leadership Grid; and innovative teaching tool – Meka's Method. His areas of interest include Leadership, Coaching, and Learning and Development. He is the Founder of MSR Leadership Consultants, India and the author of 21 books including the award-winning book 21 Success Sutras for Leaders. He has published more than 250 papers and articles in international publications ...

M. Ganesh Sai is currently pursuing engineering education. His articles have been featured in various newspapers including The Hindu. He has authored 5 books including Success Can Be Yours, Smartness Guide: Success Tools for Students, Short Stories to Share – Get Inspired, and Skills for Your Career Success: Touch Your Tipping Point. His areas of interest include Success, Motivation, Leadership, and Personality Development. He is passionate about teaching, training, research and consultancy. You may see his international endorsements at: He can be reached at  [email protected] and additionally maintains a popular blog:

Book Details

Digital publication
Sep 2023

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