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Seismic Signatures of the Indian Continental Crust and Neighbouring Regions

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Understanding the structure of deeper parts of the earth is of vital importance to understand the relationship between the processes that have taken place inside it and evolution of various structural / tectonic features present on the Earth's surface. This knowledge also provides insight into the characteristics of the earthquakes, other natural hazards and formation / distribution of the natural resources. The geological efforts to study the Earth, including drilling, are limited to its top few hundred meters but have provided comprehensive knowledge on the material that is of direct socio-economic interest to the human being.                During the last four decades huge effort has been put to decipher the velocity and structural configuration of the deeper parts of the earth through controlled source seismic refraction and reflection studies. In this book most of the results obtained through such studies of the continental crust over the Indian subcontinent and its surroundings have been collated and compiled. These results are integrated with other geophysical studies and reinterpreted. The aim is to provide the reader with an easy access and opportunity to understand the structure and tectonics of different geological provinces stretching across Kutch in the west to Bengal in the east and Southern Granulite Terrain in the south to Kashmir/Himachal in the north.
Contents1. Earth’s Structure 2. Indian Peninsular Shield 3. Aravalli-Delhi Fold Belt 4. East Coast Sedimentary Basins of India 5. Deccan Volcanic Province Near the West Coast 6. Central Indian Region 7. Northwest Himalayan, Tibet and Karakoram Regions 8. Velocity Structure of the Indian Crust
About the AuthorsHarish Chandra Tewari was born at Almora town in Uttarakhand and had his initial studies there.  He did his M.Sc. in Physics from the DSB College, Nainital of the  Agra University and Ph.D. from the ISM Dhanbad. He worked in ONGC during 1965-72 and then joined the National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad in 1973; from where he retired as Scientist 'G' in 2003 and continued as an Emeritus Scientist till 2007. He was Chief General Manager, Seismic studies, with a Hydrocarbon exploration firm in 2008.                 He was awarded National Mineral Award of Government of India for excellence in Geophysics in the year 1999 and Sri L. N. Kailasam Gold Medal for excellence in Seismic exploration by the Indian Geophysical Union in 2010.                 He has published over 60 research papers in various peer reviewed national and international scientific journals and presented several papers in seminars and symposia and chaired many technical sessions. Six students received their Ph.D. under his guidance. He is a reviewer of papers for several journals including Geophysical Journal International, Tectonophysics, PAGEOPH and Jour. GSI, India and also for DST projects. He was a member of the PAMC of DST during 1998-2002. He was head of the Program Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of the NGRI from 1997 till his retirement, Secretary of Research council of NGRI during 1997-2002 and also Management Representative for implementation of ISO 2001. He has visited USA, USSR and several countries in Europe and Asia under exchange programs and presentation of scientific papers. He was Guest Professor at Department of Geophysics at Kurukshetra University during the year 2009. Currently he is a Guest Professor at the Ganpat University at Mehsana. He is an approved research guide for the Osmania, Andhra and Kumaon Universities.B. Rajendra Prasad did his M.Sc (Tech) and Ph.D. in Geophysics from the Centre of Exploration Geophysics, Osmania University, Hyderabad. He specialized in deep seismic reflection / refraction data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation. He has published over 50 research papers in national and international peer reviewed journals. He is currently working as an Emeritus Scientist at National Geophysical Research Institute. He teaches as a Guest Faculty at Osmania University, University of Hyderabad and BARC-AMD training school, Hyderabad. After a brief stint as Research Fellow at OU, he started his career as Ground water Geophysicist with the state government. His interest in research and development landed him in NGRI, which he served for over three decades. His broad areas of research interest include Controlled Source Seismology, Deep Seismic Reflection Refraction /Wide Angle Reflection studies, Integrated Geotransect studies, Lithospheric studies, Hydrocarbon exploration, Integrated Geophysical studies for Hydrocarbon  exploration using seismic reflection and refraction, MTS and Gravity studies. He visited United States, France, Italy, Singapore and other several countries to present scientific papers or for participating in training programs.                He is an elected fellow of AP Academy of Sciences-2003, Indian Geophysical Union, Life member of AEG, SPG, IGC, ISES. He is a member of Society of Exploration Geophysicists (USA) and Asia Oceanic Geoscientific Society, Singapore. He won the prestigious Decennial Award of Indian Geophysical Union-2007. He acted as member Board of Studies Department of Geophysics, OU and reviewed research papers for Journal of the Geological society of India. He also authored several chapters in other books.

Book Details

Digital publication
Jun 2021

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