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Recent Trends in Rapid Detection of Plant Pathogens

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Plant diseases are caused by different groups of organisms belonging to fungi, bacteria, viruses, phytoplasmas etc. They cause drastic yield losses in agricultural crops and therefore, need to be identified in the early stages and thereby, management strategies can be adopted accordingly. 
In this book, it is focused majorly on some of fundamental aspects like isolation and identification of different fungal genera with their morphological characters and microscopic features, methods of isolation of nematophagous fungi and various preservative methods.

Features· Role of tissue culture in developing disease resistance plants and development of transgenics against viral and fungal diseases has been discussed. ·
As far as Virology is concerned, different molecular techniques like PCR, AFLP, Multiplex PCR etc., for detection of multiple infections along with procedures are given.·
Application of nanotechnology in niche areas of Plant Pathology are described briefly.


Essentials of Phytopathological Laboratory, 2. Isolation, Purification and Preservation of Microbial Cultures, 3. Identification of Some Commonly Occurring Plant Pathogenic Fungi, 4. Nematophagous Fungi, 5. Mycotoxins–Importance and Their Detection, 6. Isolation and Inoculation of Bacteria, 7. Detection of Bacterial Infection, 8. Characterization of Phytopathogenic Bacteria, 9. Cultural Characteristics of Bacteria, 10. Physiological Characteristics of Bacteria, 11. Serological Identification of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, 12. PCR Based Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases, 13. Transmission of Viruses, 14. Production of Polyclonal Antiserum, 15. Immunological Techniques for Identification of Viruses, 16. Nucleic Acid Hybridization Techniques for Detection of Plant Pathogens, 17. Tissue Culture Studies, 18. Transgenic plants-Genetic Engineering, 19. Nanotechnology For Detection of Plant Pathogens
About the Authors:

M. Reddi Kumar,
M.Sc (Ag.), Ph.D, presently working as Asst. Professor, Dept.of Plant Pathology, S.V.Agrl. College, Tirupati. He has published 15 research papers and 20 articles in reputed national journals. He has got 8 years experience in teaching and guided two postgraduate students.Dr.B.Srinivasulu obtained M.Sc(Ag.), Ph.D, has got more than 21 years of research, field and extension experience in Plant Pathology. Presently he is Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology), All India Co-ordinated Research Project on PAIMS at Agricultural Research Station (Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University), Ambajipeta (Andhra Pradesh). He has published more than 94 original research publications, 83 popular articles and guided 5 postgraduate students in Plant Pathology.Dr.B.Chenchu Reddy, M.Sc.(Ag.), Ph.D, is presently working as Associate Dean, S.V.Agricultural College, Tirupati. He published 60 research papers in various national and international journals. He is instrumental in releasing popular groundnut variety like Narayani. He has guided 5 M.Sc.Ag. Students as Chairman.

Book Details

Digital publication
Dec 2020

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