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Recent Advances in Groundnut Production Technology

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Importance of Groundnut in Indian Economy 2. Groundnut in India 3. Reproductive Biology of Groundnut 4. Groundnut Improvement – Methods, Status and Issues 5. Breeding High Yielding Drought Resistant Varieties in Groundnut 6. Groundnut Varietal Characteristics and Recommended Varieties of India 7. Biotechnological Tools for Groundnut Improvement 8. Quality Seed Production and Certification in Groundnut 9. Role of Genomics in Groundnut Improvement 10. DNA Fingerprinting in Groundnut Genotypes 11. Farm Mechanization in Groundnut Cultivation 12. Influence of Climate Change on Groundnut Productivity 13. Groundnut based Cropping Systems 14. Role of Nanoscale Nutrients for Improved Groundnut Production 15. Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Improving the Groundnut Productivity in Drylands 16. Preparation of Biofertilisers and Methods of usage in Oilseeds in Particular to Groundnut 17. Efficient use of Fertilizers in Groundnut Production 18. Production Technology for Organic Groundnut 19. Micronutrient Management in Groundnut 20. Long-Term Effect of Fertilizers and Manures on Groundnut Productivity and Soil Properties 21. Dry Land Technologies for Enhancing Groundnut Productivity under Rainfed Conditions 22. Water Management Practices for Groundnut 23. Soil Profile Moisture Study – Hands on Experience 24. Systems of Irrigation for the Enhanced Productivity in Groundnut 25. Farm Pond Technology 26. Drought Mitigation Strategies for Dryland Agriculture with Special Reference to Groundnut 27. Integrated Weed Management in Groundnut 28. Soil and Water Conservation Measures in Rainfed Agriculture 29. Herbicide Formulations, Spray Fluid Calibration and Application Techniques 30. Integrated Pest Management in Groundnut 31. Seed Related Physiological and Quality Aspects of Groundnut 32. Management of Viral Diseases of Groundnut 33. Preparation of Microbial Biocontrol Agents for Insect Pest Management in Groundnut 34. Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) in Groundnut Cultivation 35. The Food and Processing Quality Characteristics of Groundnut 36. Kernel Qualitative Traits in Groundnut 37. Problems and Prospects of Export Oriented Groundnut in India 38. Groundnut Seed Processing Technology 39. Value Addition to Groundnut 40. Statistical Tools for Sustainable Agriculture 41. Correlation and Regression 42. Strategies for Mitigation of Phytonematode Problems in Groundnut 43. Fungal Disease Management in Groundnut 44. Dissemination of Groundnut Research Technology through Farmers Call Centre: A Critical Analysis 45. Recent Advances in Agriculture Transfer of Technology 46. Technology Assessment and Refinement (TAR) in Groundnut – The Concept and Practice 47. Planting Density –Impact on Groundnut Production 48. New Paradigms in Improvement of Drought Tolerance in Crop Plants

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Chapter1 | : | Click here

About the Authors:

Dr. Krishna Reddy Gundupalli Ph.D
(Agronomy) is working as Principal Scientist, Agronomy, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh, having nearly two decades of teaching and research experience with potential extension practice and served various research centers of university. He contributed nearly 20 scientific research articles to National and International peer reviewed journals besides more than 100 popular articles in various magazines. A couple of Post graduates and Doctoral students have been enriched under his able guidance. He received a two gold medals for his academic excellence and honored with several awards, appreciations for his commendable achievements in Agronomy and allied areas. He is a popular agronomist with the farmers of Andhra Pradesh.
Dr. P. V. R. M. Reddy is a Scientist of Soil Science at Institute of Frontier Technology, RARS, Tirupati, ANGRAU. He is engaged in Research on nutrient management to different crops, GIS and RS applications in agriculture. He received commendations from state administration for the excellent work done in ICT applications in agriculture. He published 30 research articles in National and International journals.Sri P. Maheswara Reddy is currently working as Scientist (Agronomy) in All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Groundnut at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Tirupati, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhra Pradesh. He completed his B.Sc.(Ag.) from S. V. Agricultural College, Tirupati, ANGRAU and M.Sc.(Ag.) from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab. To his credit he has about 20 publications as research papers and popular articles. He has worked on Biofuel crops and standardized Agro techniques for Jatropha, Pongamia and Simarouba.Dr. K. Raja Reddy, Director of Extension worked in the Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University for the past 30 years in various positions as Director of Research, Dean PG Studies, Director of Planning and Monitoring Cell, Principal Scientist (Groundnut), Associate Director of Research etc. He served the farming community to boost up production of rice, millets, sugarcane, groundnut, pulses and oilseeds in the state of Andhra Pradesh through modern Research and Extension strategies in the Agricultural University. He has published 160 research papers out of his research. Guided nearly 50 students for master's and doctoral degree.Dr. T. Giridhara Krishna, did his Ph.D from University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad and presently working as Special Officer (Soil Health Management) at RARS, Tirupati. He has received national merit scholarship and fellowships for his meritorious work. He has more than 30 years of service in ANGRAU in different capacities. He worked on soil nutrition studies, GIS and RS applications in agriculture. He is member of several professional societies and published many research articles in peer reviewed journals.

Book Details

Digital publication
Jan 2022

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