
Pharmaceutical Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual

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Pharmaceutical Microbiology is an applied branch of Microbiology which deals with the study of microorganisms associated with manufacturing and quality control of pharmaceutical products. The present book “Pharmaceutical Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual” meets the syllabus designed by the Pharmacy Council of India and is written with a holistic approach encompassing various topics of Experimental Pharmaceutical Microbiology. This manual covers nearly 50 experiments based on General and Pharmaceutical Microbiology which would serve as a guide to B-Pharmacy students of all the Indian Universities. The main aim of writing this book is to cover theoretical and experimental parts of all the topics included in the curriculum for Experimental Pharmaceutical Microbiology given in the revised syllabus of B.Pharm students. The various concepts and phenomenon have been explained in simple terms with the help of appropriate diagrams. The experimental methods are tailor made to meet the modest facilities available in many of the colleges and universities within the country.
Microbiology Laboratory: Basic Rules and Requirements1.
Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Basic Rules of Laboratory 2. Basic Requirements of Microbiology Laboratory Instrumentation3. Microscope 4. Autoclave 5. Incubator 6. Hot Air Oven 7. Laminar Air Flow 8. pH Meter 9. Spectrophotometer 10. Colony Counter Preparation of Culture Media, Sterilization and Culture Methods11. Preparation and Sterilization of Media 12. Aseptic Technique and Transfer of Microorganisms 13. Growth Promotion Test of the Medium 14. Preparation of Agar Slants, Stabs and Plates 15. Preservation of Microbial Cultures Techniques for Isolation of Pure Culture from Mixed Culture16. Streak Plate Method 17. Pour Plate Method 18. Spread Plate Technique Staining Techniques of Microorganisms19. Preparation of a Bacterial Smear 20. Staining 21. Simple Staining 22. Negative Staining 23. Gram Staining 24. Acid-Fast Staining 25. Staining of Fungus by Lactophenol Cotton Blue Biochemical Tests for Identification of Bacteria26. IMViC Tests 27. Indole Test 28. Methyl Red and Voges-Proskauer Test (MR-VP Test) 29. Citrate Test 30. Carbohydrate Fermentation Test 31. Starch Hydrolysis Test 32. Gelatin Hydrolysis Test 33. H2S Production Test Bacterial Motility34. Wet Mount Method 35. Hanging Drop Method 36. Soft Agar and Agar Deep Tube Methods Microbial Assay of Antibiotics37. Microbial Assay of Antibiotics 38. Turbidimetric or Tube Assay Method Sterility Testing of Pharmaceuticals39. Sterility Testing of Pharmaceuticals Environmental Monitoring40. Environmental Monitoring by Settling Plate Method Bacterial Analysis of Water41. Bacterial Examination of Water by Multiple Tube Fermentation Test 42. Bacteriological Examination of Water by Membrane Filtration Method 43. Analysis of Water for Total Bacterial Population by Standard Plate Count Microbial Taxonomy44. Fungi 45. Bacteria
About the Authors:Dr. G .Shyam Prasad is currently working as an Assistant professor of Microbiology, at Vaagdevi Degree and PG College, Naimnagar, Hanamkonda, Warangal. He has 17 years of Teaching Research and Industrial experience. He received his Ph.D. in 2007 from Department of Microbiology, Kakatiya University, Warangal and he is also awarded with CSIR-Research Associate ship, New Delhi, India. He is also recepient of UGC-DR.D.S.Kothari post doctoral fellowship, New Delhi, India (Department of Biochemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad). He is actively engaged in teaching to B-Pharmacy, BSc and MSc Sudents. He also guided more than 12 graduation and post graduation projects. He is also serving as Editorial Advisory board member of “International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological sciences”. He is also Reviewer of more than 10 national and International journals.He has filed 2 patents and written 3 book chapters and published 26 research articles to his credit in various national and international Journals. His research interests are in the area of Biotransformation studies, Mycotoxins, Thermophilic fungi. He also collaborated with Sonia M.Tiquia-Arashiro, Professor of Microbiology, University of Michigan, US in writing a book. Dr. K. Srisailam is Presently working as Principal, University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Satavahana University, Karimnagar. He has 17 years of teaching and research experience. He has obtained his B.Pharm., M.Pharm. and Ph.D. from University College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kakatiya University, Warangal. He was Qualified in GATE 1998 and 1999 and Recipient of SRF from CSIR, New Delhi during Ph.D. He also obtained PG Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights from IGNOU, New Delhi. The various positions held are Subject Expert for GPAT, AICTE; ECET, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh; PGECET, Government of Telangana. Subject Expert, Academic Staff College, JNTU, Hyderabad. Guided more than 15 candidates for M. Pharm and 6 candidates for Ph.D. He is serving as Editor in Chief of Pharmacognosy Research, Editor in Chief of Pharmacognosy Journal, Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results. He is also serving as Reviewer for about 40 international and 20 national journals. Currently, he has 4 book chapters, 67 Publications in national and international journals. He has affiliations to different organizations and Member of Organizing Committee of several seminars and workshops. He was a Member, Board of Studies in Pharmacy, Satavahana University, Karimnagar, Worked as Core Team Member, Scientific Services Committee of 57th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, Worked in Pharma Alumni Association, UCPSc in various capacities from Executive Member to General Secretary, Life Member, IPA, Society of Pharmacognosy, Indian Pharmacological Society, International Society for Ethnopharmacology, APTI, ISTE; and Registered Pharmacist, Andhra Pradesh State Pharmacy Council, Hyderabad.

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Dec 2020

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