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Maintenance Engineering & Management

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About the Book:

The book “Maintenance Engineering and Management” deals with the management principles and practices that govern the maintenance function apart from the engineering techniques. It gives the maintenance engineer, the latest developments in maintenance engineering techniques like wear debris analysis, preventive maintenance and condition monitoring as well as management concepts like reliability based maintenance, logical fault location and lean maintenance.

Salient features:  Syllabi from around 20 Universities and Institutions of India as well as those of Boston University and University of Dar Es salaam are collected to draw the outline for this book.  Topics like non-destructive testing, environmental impact, tramp oils etc., Which are covered in detail in this book.  Maintenance of the production facilities including the expanding scope of the modern maintenance.   Several case studies are given from the practical experience.In the new second edition, some suggestions from the reviewers have been adapted and incorporated. New and improved figures and diagrams together with case studies have been added.
Table of Contents | : | Click here
Chapter1 | : | Click here

Introduction 2.  Principles of Maintenance Planning 3. Categories of Maintenance 4. Reliability and Machine Availability 5. Preventive Maintenance 6. Condition Monitoring 7. Logical Fault Location 8. Wear Debris Analysis 9. Reliability Based Maintenance 10. Lubrication 11. Cutting Fluids 12. Maintenance Costs 13. Failure Modes and Effects Analysis 14. Lean Maintenance 15. Scientific Inventory Management 16.Spare Part Inventory Control 17. Total Productive Maintenance 18. System Approach to Management Theory 19. Organisation for Maintenance 20. Equipment Record 21. Work Order Systems 22. Computerised Maintenance Management System 23. Replacement of Machinery and Equipment 24. Environmental Issues 25. Industrial Safety 26. Job Hazard Analysis

About the Author:

Prof. D. R. Kiran,
B.Sc., B.E., M.Sc. (Eng.), (Ph.D.), FIE(I), FIIProdE, FIIPlantE, FITTE, FISNT, has a rich practical experience of forty years both in industry and academy. Starting his career in 1968 with Larsen & Toubro, he held top positions like Planning Manager of Rallifan (CF division), World Bank Adviser/Instructor in Tanzania and the Principal of PMR Institute of Technology, Chennai.     At industries in India and abroad, he did projects at L&T, National Bicycle Company etc., besides several industrial units in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania both as an internal and external consultant that included logical fault location, condition monitoring systems, WBA etc., besides ABC analysis, codification and other industrial engineering applications. He started his academic career in 1979, teaching Maintenance Engineering at B.E. level at the University of Dar Es Salaam. This rich experience in maintenance and planning helped him in introducing topics of special interest and specific use to the maintenance engineer.     In recognition of his services in the field of engineering education, he was awarded the covered Bharat Excellence Award and Gold Medal for Excellence in Education in New Delhi in 2006. He is listed as an International Expert in Industrial Engineering and Management in the International Directory of Experts and Expertise. He is nominated for the post of Honorary Deputy Director General in India for International Biographical Center.     Earlier during the eighties, he was introduced to Dr. Julius Nyerere, the then President of Tanzania as a Pioneer of Work Study in that country.  He was one among few non-political foreigners to be interviewed by the government newspaper of Tanzania.     He had authored a textbook in Professional Ethics and Human Values, published by McGraw Hill, the 2nd edition having come out in 2013. A third reference book on Total Quality Management is ready for publication.     He has published 23 papers in professional journals and seminar proceedings and was the Chief Guest in several Technical Meets. He is the Vice Chairman of Indian Institute of Plant Engineers, Tamilnadu Chapter.            He is widely traveled having visited over 30 countries and is a philanthropist.

Book Details

Digital publication
Jan 2022

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