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Irrigation and Irrigation Projects in India

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India being an agrarian state, in the agriculture production and thus improving the economy of the farmers and the states, irrigation and irrigation projects played major role for hundreds of years.
There are large numbers of books that present the theoretical aspects but there are no books in practical perspective. The present book looked in to the practical aspects pertaining to irrigation and irrigation projects.
To achieve the sustainable development in irrigation and irrigation projects, the major hurdles are appointment of tribunals and settling the disputes.
 These play vital role in projects implementation and making them cost effective.
The book discussed some of the basic problems in irrigation and irrigation projects in India in general and in Andhra Pradesh in specific. These issues are discussed with reference to Krishna River Water Disputes Tribunal and Polavaram project disputes on River Godavari.
 Also discussed, the issues related to interlinking of rivers in addition to several other issues including climate change & pollution aspects.
Contents:1: Introduction, 2: Water Resources Availability, 3: Inter-state Irrigation Projects – Role of Tribunals, 4: Inter-state Irrigation Projects – Disputes, 5: Future of Water Resources in India.
About the Author:

Dr. Sazzala Jeevananda Reddy
is an Agrometeorologist got post-graduation in Geophysics & Applied Statistics with the advanced training in Meteorology & Oceanography and numerical weather prediction. Dr. Reddy got his Ph.D. in Agricultural Meteorology from the “The Australian National University”, Canberra. Dr. Reddy has a wide experience in the field of Agrometeorology and Agroclimatology while working in several National and International institutions/organizations within and outside India. Dr. Reddy served Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO] as Expert & World Meteorological Organization [WMO] as Chief Technical Advisor.
The author is one of the few scientists who started his carrier in the science of Climate Change as back as early 1970s. One of Dr. Reddy’s work was identified in 1976 as one of the fifteen papers of unusual interest (most of them related to the subject of climate change) Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics of American Academy of Sciences from among the entire literature published in National and International Journals in Solar Terrestrial Physics up to that time. Dr. Reddy presented concept of adopting agriculture in long-term agriculture planning in the semi-arid tropics. In this direction Dr. Reddy brought out several books to educate World Community.The few important books contributed by Dr. Reddy are:
 Reddy, S.J., 1993: ‘Agroclimatic/Agrometeorological Techniques: As applicable to Dry-land Agriculture in developing countries’.
 Gupta, R.K. & Reddy, S.J. (eds.), 1999: ‘Advanced Technologies in Meteorology’.
 Reddy, S.J., 2002: ‘Dry-land Agriculture of India: An Agroclimatological and Agrometeorological perspective’.
 Reddy, S.J. 2008 & 2010: ‘Climate Change: Myths & Realities’.
 Reddy, S.J. 2011: ‘”Green” Green Revolution: Agriculture in the perspective of Climate Change”.

Book Details

Digital publication
Dec 2020

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