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Drug Information about Commonly Used Drugs

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Drug information is something that is needed by all pharma professionals whether in practice, industry, pharmacy education or regulatory. Drug information in this title has been compiled based on their use in disorders of different body systems like gastro-intestinal tract (GIT), respiratory tract, cardio-vascular system. In the introductory section of each part, there is general discussion on different classes of drugs, which are used in the treatment of disorders of the system. Later, there is drug information on individual drugs. There are two chapters, which are not specific to system but deal with common factor, for example pain. These chapters include drugs used in pain, fever, and inflammation and anti-infective drugs. The book has been divided into eight parts. Many pharma professionals may not be conversant with medical terms, therefore, abbreviations and glossary of medical terms have been given in the beginning of the book. There are three appendices in the book. Appendix I contains the list of drugs and their FDC, manufacture and sale of which have been banned in India. Appendix II contains list of schedule X drugs for which separate licence is required for manufacture and sale. Appendix III contains list of medical devices, which have been notified as drugs by Govt. of India.

Shri. P.P. Sharma is B.Pharm (BITS, Pilani) and M.Pharm (Punjab University). He has been Rank Holder both at Graduate Level and Post Graduate Level and was awarded Gold Medal by Punjab University. After a short stint with Pharmaceutical Industry, he joined Drugs Control Dept. of Delhi Govt. where he worked in various capacities and retired as Dy. Drugs Controller and Licensing Authority. During his Professional career he had opportunities for training by Govt. of India and International Bodies like WHO and DANIDA. His approach to enforcement of law was ‘enforcement by education’ and this led him to write books. He has 06 books to his credit.

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Digital publication
Dec 2021

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