
Computational Simulation Tools in Engineering

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Modeling and Computational simulation applied to engineering is a field that brings together the power of computers, physical sciences and engineering practices. To solve different problems in engineering using computer simulation, it is necessary to model them, which represents a real-world phenomenon as a set of mathematical equations. This book deals with models involving simple Algebraic equation(s), Single & multiple nonlinear equation(s), Single & Multiple Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations of parabolic type, is intended for UG/PG students, Researchers and faculty.
The collection of numerous problems from various sources aimed to apply different numerical methods in the subject areas such as Heat transfer, Fluid flow, Thermodynamics, Mass transfer, Reaction engineering, equipment design and process simulation.
 This book gives hands-on exposure on procedures and solutions using various computational tools such as MS-Excel®, MATLAB®, CHEMCAD® and COMSOL® dealing with chemical and pharmaceutical applications.
Section – I: Heat Transfer1. Thickness of a Cylindrical Pipe Insulation 2. Unsteady State Conduction in Semi Infinite Slab 3. Counter Current Heat Exchanger 4. Unsteady State Conduction in a Slab 5. Flare Slack Height Estimation 6. Heat Equation – Stability Analysis usingExplicit and Implicit Euler method Section – II: Fluid Flow7. Multistage Compressor 8. Flare sizing 9. Pressure Drop in Pipelines 10. Flow in Tube – PDE Solver in MATLAB 11. Gravity Flow Tank Section – III: Thermodynamics12. Molar Volume Estimation using Equation of State Methods 13. Bubble and Dew Point Estimation for Multi Component System 14. VLE Calculation for Multi-component System 15. CO2 Vapor Pressure Regression 16. Regress Feature – CO2 Emissions Section – IV: Mass Transfer17. Dynamics of Binary Distillation Column Section – V: Chemical Reaction Engineering18. Plug Flow Reactor 19. Batch Reactor with Series Reaction 20. Non-isothermal Plug Flow Reactor 21. Non-Isothermal CSTR 22. Fluidized Bed Reactor Section – VI: Equipment Design23. Three Phase Separator 24. Control Valve Sizing 25. Single Effect Evaporator 26.Column Design using FUG Method 27. Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design using Kern Method 28. Centrifuge Design Section – VII: Process Control29. Basics of Process Control 30. Simulation of Temperature Control of Water Tank 31. PID Control of Three CSTR’s in Series 32. Dynamics of Second Order Systems Section – VIII: Process Simulation33. Ammonia Plant Model with Recycle Loop 34. Condensate Stabilizer Plant 35. Refrigeration Loop 36. Predictive Control of a Wastewater Treatment Process 37. Boiler Efficiency Theory
About the Authors:
V. Ramesh Kumar
is Professor & Vice-Principal at University College of Technology, Osmania University, Hyderabad. He has 21 years of teaching experience and specialized in computational simulations. He has numerous publications, held various positions such as Additional controller of examinations, BOS chairman etc. His interests include Chemical Engineering Three Phase Reactors, Modelling Simulation and Otimization of Chemical Processes. T. Bala Narsaiah, is Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University College of Engineering, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India. He has 19 years of teaching experience. He has published 25 papers and 3 book chapters in international and national journals. He published 15 papers in international conference proceedings and presented 20 papers in national & international conferences. He has published a book as editor on “innovative Technologies for the Treatment of Industrial Wastewater: A Sustainable Approach”, by Apple Academic Press in the year 2017. Presently, he is Chairman, UG Board of Studies, Chemical Engineering, JNTUA, Anantapur and Chairman, Research Review Committee, Food Technology at JNTUA, Anantapur. Presently, he is a member of Telangana Pollution Control Board (e-Waste committee). He is member of professional bodies - IIChE, ISTE and fellow of Institution of Engineers (India).
K. Ravichand is Senior Advisor at Aassaanedu Care Foundation and involved in the activity of training the faculty towards outcome-based education. He completed his master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from IIT Bombay and has total 17 years experience consisting of 3.5 years as process engineer for the plant design construction and commissioning of 1350 MTPD Ammonia plant, 8+ years experience as developer and Manager for the Computational softwares PRO-II® and CATIA V4®, 5 years as Chemical, Petroleum Engineering faculty. He has 2 Journal and 9 Conference publications. He was resource person for 5 workshops and 4 invited lectures on computation tools. His accomplishments include reviving a sick unit of 5T/month Lead nitrate plant, process development for the pigment grade iron oxide from waste iron oxides produced in organic reduction processes. He is member of IEEE, IIChE, ISTE and NSC.

Book Details

Jan 2021

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