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About the Book:
Health is most important in our life. A healthy person only can provide healthy thought and ultimately healthy society. This book has been prepared by the professional who has both industrial and academic experience. It is sure that the readers of this book shall know all information with respect to the opportunities available after completion of the courses in Pharmacy. Pharmacy is a programme which is health related, socially important, and unique in morale. Although its awareness among the people in the society is not wide and due to the poor awareness it cannot attract the parents and students in terms of preference. The authors of this book possess a strong confidence that wide circulation of this book must bring out greater awareness among the students as well as parents. The profession shall be enriched with more talents. This would ultimately benefit the society by providing more and more healthcare professionals.
What is Pharmacy?2.  History of Pharmacy3.  Courses in Pharmacy4.  Career Opportunities in Pharmacy5.
Interview6. Few Employers
About the Authors: D. K. Tripathi, currently working as the Professor in Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh has about 44 years of professional experience. He has worked in Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research since 2009 as Principal. He has worked as Dean Pharmacy and Chairman, Board of Studies (BOS) in Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai. He has worked in different reputed Pharmaceutical industries for about 23 years and in different Institutes for about 21 years. Thus, he possesses both industrial, academic administrative experience. He has already authored four books in pharmacy which are well accepted by the readers.
Pratap Kumar Sahu is Professor in the Pharmacology Department of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siksha O Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar. He is also the Deputy Dean and Placement in-charge since 2009. He received his Ph.D. degree in Pharmacy from Utkal University in 2007 and earned his post graduation from Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi in 2001. He has also completed MBA (HR) from IGNOU in 2007. He is having 18 Years of teaching and research experience in the field of Pharmacology. His area of expertise includes: Neuropharmacology and Metabolic disorders.

Tapas Ranjan Satpathy is currently working as Placement Co-ordinator at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Siksha O Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar. He completed his MBA (HR and Marketing) from Punjab Technical University. He started his career in Pharmaceutical marketing (2002). After working 6 years in Pharmaceutical Marketing (MNCs like Lily), he had joined as HR Executive in Bansal Infratech Synergies India Ltd for 2 years. Then he is looking after the placement activities of Pharmacy students for last 8 years.

Book Details

Dec 2020

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