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Biological Control of Plant Pathogens weeds and Phytoparasitic Nematodes

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Traditionally plant diseases have been managed by the use of toxic chemicals. However, concern increases due to their hazard effects directly or indirectly on the life of man and animals. Non-judicious use of chemicals leads to increase in pathogens resistance. Therefore, the alternatives to chemicals control such as resistant varieties, cultural practices and biological control have become essential for the management of plant diseases and crop production. Biological methods mainly consist of using microorganisms to control harmful microorganisms causing plant diseases without disturbing the ecological balance. Biological control of plant pathogens continuous to inspire research and development in many fields.
 Biological control of weeds is defined as the use of natural enemies to exert pressure on the population of their host plants to reduce them. Most of the programmes on biocontrol of weeds have been carried out by entomologists, who have introduced phytophagous insects from the native region of a weed to another geographical area.
 In short, it appears that plant pathogens as biological control agents hold a good promise. Although they are not expected to replace chemicals, which will dominate the market for many more years to come, their integration with chemicals should find an important place in weed management technology.
 The book caters to the needs of students, teachers and research scholars who are pursuing biological control studies.

Techniques related to extraction of plant parasitic nematodes explained· Approaches to biological suppression of weeds with pathogens explored· An overview of post-harvest diseases of fruits provided· Mass production of Trichoderma Spp. explained· Efficiency of the pathogens for weed control discussed.
Isolation and Screening of Bioagents of Plant Pathogens, 2. Mechanisms of Action of Biocontrol Agents, 3. Selection of Potential Strain and Genetic Improvement of Bio-agents, 4. Molecular Characterization of Biocontrol Agents, 5. Morphological Charateristics of Trichoderma Species, 6. Mass Production and Formulation of Trichoderma spp., 7. Formulation and Shelf-Life of Trichoderma spp., 8. Shelf-Life and Bio-efficacy of Biocontrol Formulations, 9. Delivery of Biocontrol Agents, 10. Biological Control of Soil-borne and Foliar Plant Pathogens, 11. Bio-agents in Management of Post-Harvest Diseases of Fruits, 12. Phytoalexins in Plant Disease Control, 13. Mycorrhizae - A Tool in Biological Control, 14. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, 15. Biological Suppression of Weeds with Pathogens, 16. Biological Control of Plant Parasitic Nematodes,17. Registration Requirements and Quality Parameters for Antagonistic Organisms
About the Authors
M.Reddi Kumar,
M.Sc (Ag.), Ph.D, presently working as Asst.Professor, Dept.of Plant Pathology, S.V.Agrl.College, Tirupati. He has published 15 research papers and 20 articles in reputed national journals. He has got 8 years experience in teaching and guided two postgraduate students.
M. John Sudheer who has been working as Senior Scientist Entamology Agriculture Research Station, Kadiri. He handled APNL – DT Project on Nematode Pests of Andhra Pradesh as Coordinator Principle Investigator. He attended several National and International conferenses, workshops, etc. He has published about 25 research papers in reputed journals and he also involved in formulating several ICAR Adhoc Projects.
B.Srinivasulu obtained M.Sc(Ag.), Ph.D, has got more than 21 years of research, field and extension experience in Plant Pathology. Presently he is Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology), All India Co-ordinated Research Project on PAIMS at Agricultural Research Station (Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University), Ambajipeta (Andhra Pradesh). He has published more than 94 original research publications, 83 popular articles and guided 5 postgraduate students in Plant Pathology.
B.Chenchu Reddy, M.Sc.(Ag.), Ph.D, is presently working as Associate Dean, S.V.Agricultural College, Tirupati. He published 60 research papers in various national and international journals. He is instrumental in releasing popular groundnut variety like Narayani. He has guided 5 M.Sc.Ag. Students as Chairman.

Book Details

Digital publication
Dec 2020

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