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BHEL R & D and I:Reminiscences of a ‘first-round’ research engineer

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This write-up is a near-chronological record of my experiences and memories during my employment at BHEL, Corporate Research and Development Division at Hyderabad from the date of joining, 15 May 1974, to the day of premature retirement on 24 October 1999 – a span of just about a quarter of a century.
Whilst describing the (main) events of my 25 years’ stint at BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited),
comprising the various ups and downs, undoubtably memorable all through, making it a unique experience to have been associated in the capacity of a front-line research engineer with the country’s only ‘electrical’ industry of international repute, manufacturing all kinds of electric-power equipment, once again of worldclass quality, absolutely essential for generation,transmission and distribution of electrical energy and  its utilisation by the industry, matching almost 100%
demand of the utility – and this beginning within a decade from the time of India’s independence, the narrative brings out the kinds of experience a researcher, or more specifically a research engineer even with a PH D might face in a country like India.
I have taken all care to pen down my remembrances as objectively as possible and as I experienced at various stages. However, as can be expected, the memories from nearly 50 years’ past may not keep pace with one’s mind and thought process going back and yet maintain the links. Naturally, there might be instances of ‘slipups’ on my part in terms of dates and details, esp. related to the persons who crossed my path during the decades. For all such ‘omissions’ and ‘errors’ I bear full responsibility with due apologies.
For the completion of the record that began nearly two years ago, I acknowledge with sincere thanks all the help from all quarters that came my way.

Book Details

Digital publication
Feb 2024

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