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Agriculture in India – Contemporary Challenges: in the Context of Doubling Farmer’s Income

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The book “Agriculture in India – Contemporary Challenges in the context of Doubling Farmers Income” presents a meaningful synthesis of the challenges concerning agricultural research, development, policy and programmes. It eloquently describes the opportunities with thought provoking prescriptions for harnessing the best of the talents & technologies and policies for making Indian agriculture a vibrant sector of economy. It emphasises on the farmers in the rural India to produce locally and trade globally.The book is a treasure of information and knowledge & largely experience of Shri Mohan Kanda, Former Secretary, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Government of India and Chief Secretary of undivided Andhra Pradesh. This is a `must read' piece to have a deep dive in the realm of rural land scape for understanding the contemporary challenges the Indian agriculture is facing and to move forward with a vision to achieve an enabling environment for agriculture to yield more income (money) to Annadata with less exploitation of the Mother Earth.Heartiest congratulations to the learned author for the painstaking efforts.The book takes a clear-eyed view of each of the important sub-sectors through which this policy must attempt to realise its ultimate goal. It attempts provide an overview of all important issues in Indian agriculture today and offers suggestions for the way forward. These interventions, implemented in a timely and efficient fashion, are expected to promote sustainable growth and make India a global leader in the agriculture sector. The book is an attempt to provide a template for the discussion of agriculture policy in India.
Agriculture in India2.  Challenges and Opportunities3. Sustainable Growth and Equitable Development4.  The Road Ahead
About the Author:
Dr. Mohan Kanda
retired from the Indian Administrative Service (Andhra Pradesh Cadre) in 2005 . In his long and distinguished career, he served in various capacities at the State as well as at the Centre, including as Secretary (Department of Agriculture) Government of India, and Chief Secretary, Government of Andhra Pradesh.            He holds a Doctorate in Cooperative Agricultural Credit.            After retirement from the Service, Dr. Kanda served as a Member of the National Disaster Management Authority (NOMA), Government of India, and as a Member of the Steering Committee of the Planning Commission for the formulation of the 12th Five Year Plan for "Agriculture and Allied Sectors".            Dr. Kanda has helped shape several national policies including the National Policy on Agriculture, the National Policy on Cooperatives and the National Policy on Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Project-Affected Persons. He has also contributed significantly to the formulation of the law governing Multi-State Cooperatives.

Book Details

Digital publication
Apr 2021

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