
A Course in Dynamic Meteorology

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Dynamic Meteorology is a fundamental branch of atmospheric science, which enables quantification of atmospheric motion to make accurate predictions of weather patterns. The book is designed as a text for students pursuing courses in Atmospheric Science, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Environmental Science at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

The text is systematically developed with chapters on Sun, Earth and various physical processes involved in atmosphere. It assumes the reader to have basic knowledge of Calculus and Thermodynamiics and uses several approximations, without giving rigorous mathematical proofs, making the book simple and lucid.Features

Covers the complex subject of atmospheric processes in simple lucid way

General circulation of the atmosphere is described as zonal and meridional averages* Each chapter is followed by questions for self review
Contents1. The Sun 2. Measurement of Solar Radiation 3. Infrared Radiation (IR) 4. Atmosphere 5. Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere 6. Physical Variables 7. Thermodynamics 8. The Operator Ñ (del) 9. The Continuity Equation 10. Mathematical Equations of Motion 11. Kinematics of Rotating Motion 12. Absolute and Relative Velocity 13. Circulation 14. The Vorticity Equation 15. The Divergence Equation 16. Balanced Motion 17. Natural Coordinates and Equations of Motion 18. Geostrophic Wind 19. The Gradient Wind 20. Cyclostrophic Flow 21. Divergence of Geostrophic Wind 22. Circular Vortex Spherical Coordinates and Equation of Motion 23. Atmospheric Waves 24. Sound Waves 25. Gravity Waves 26. Inertia Waves 27. Inertia-Gravity Waves 28. Rossby Waves (Barotropic Waves) 29. Atmospheric Turbulence (A) 30. Atmospheric Turbulence (B) 31. The Planetary Boundary Layer 32. The General Circulation of the Atmosphere - (A)
About the AuthorNavale Pandharinath is a retired Director of India Meteorological Department (IMD). He obtained his postgraduate degrees in Mathematics and Statistics from Osmania University. He has undergone departmental advanced training in Meteorology at Pune. He has rich experience both in Aviation and Non-Aviation weather forecasting, Cyclone warnings, Flood-Meteorological work and Agricultural Meteorological work. He has contributed papers regularly to “Mausam” and ‘Vayumandal’, departmental journals of Indian Meterological Department, besides various National and International Seminars and Symposiums.

Book Details

Nov 2020

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