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Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies

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About the Book:
EIA is an important decision making tool in respect of various developmental projects and  the methodologies for objective assessment of environmental implications for different categories of projects are constantly evolving and improving. Though a number of EIA tools are now in extensive use internationally for implementation of various development projects so that proposed projects are economically viable, socially equitable and environmentally sustainable, no single type of method can be  used to satisfy the diversity of project activities and  the key issue involves  selecting appropriate methodology for specific needs  in an impact study which needs a comprehensive book  to provide the details of all these EIA approaches systematically. The third edition of our book on Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies covers extensively the key elements, operational details of different types of EIA methods, their applications to assess impacts of various types of developmental activities on soil, water, air, risk assessment, application of RS & GIS in EIA, impacts on social environments, health, cost-effective assessments and mitigation measures. As our first two editions received good response, we came up with this third revised version updating with latest information on the above areas and adding new topics like Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). Biodiversity Impact Assessment (BIA) as a Planning Tool, new Air Pollution Dispersion Modeling Approaches. Some interesting and recent case studies are also added to demonstrate the application of EIA for diversified/industrial/development sectors. This revised version caters to the needs of EIA practicing professionals, Graduate/Post Graduate students tacking Environmental Management/EIA as Major.

Table of Contents | : | Click here
Chapter1 | : | Click here

    Fundamental Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)2.    EIA Methodologies3.    Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on Soil and Groundwater Environment4.    Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on Surface Water Environment5.    Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on Biological Environment6.    Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on the Air Environment7.    Prediction and Assessment of Impacts of Noise on the Environment8.    Prediction and Assessment of Socio-Economic and Human Health Impacts9.    Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) and Risk Management in EIA10. Application of Remote Sensing(RS) and Geography Information Systems(GIS) for EIA11. EIA Case Studies

About the Authors:
Anjaneyulu Yerramilli  Ph.D, FRSC (London)
is presently working as Professor & Director Center for Advanced Energy Studies at K. L. University, A.P, India. Earlier (2006-2015) he worked as Professor in Chemistry/Environment and Director Trent Lott Geospatial &Visualization Research Center at Jackson State University (JSU) Jackson, MS,USA, and Professor & Head Center for Environment(1990-2002) and Director Institute of Science and Technologies (IST) (2002-2005) at JNTU Hyderabad, India. During his stay at JSU, USA he worked as PI for NOAA(USA) sponsored program on Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling of Gulf Coast, ,National Science Foundation (NSF-USA)-sponsored program on Collaborative Research CI-TEAM Demonstration Project entitled Water HUB for Cyber Enabled Training, Education, and Research in Water Resources and Department of Defense (DoD-USA)-sponsored program on High Performance Computation for Development of Novel nano Materials,. He has also published a number of papers on simulation of mesoscale coastal circulation of Gulf Coast for air pollution dispersion by integrating WRF, HYSPLIT, SMOKE and CMAQ models. ( 38 students received Ph.D degrees under his supervision and he published more than 150 research papers in peer reviewed journals which have more than 3500 citations with h-index-30 and presented at various international conferences. He has authored a number of books on Introduction to Nano science & Technologies (2017-BS-Publications) Energy Resources, Utilization and Technologies (2012-CRC Press) Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies (2011, BS Publications/CRC Press), Introduction to Environmental Science (2005, BS Publications), Hazardous Waste Management and Air Pollution and Control Technologies (2018, BS Publications). He is a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (London), Member of American Chemical Society and Indian Science Congress.Valli Manickam, is Professor and Area Chairperson, Environment Area, CEEUGID, and Centre Director, Centre for Information Technology, ASCI is also currently Dean of Training Programmes. She has a Ph.D in Environment and Masters in both Computer Applications and Sciences, with over two decades of research and teaching experience in the field of Environmental Science and Technology at JNTU Hyderabad prior to joining ASCI.She has worked in the area of climate change, developed a decision support system for storage and retrieval of geospatial data to help decision makers for the seven agro climatic regions in Andhra Pradesh. She has also been working on open data policy for the various state governments and government of India and is currently working on National Geospatial Policy for DST. She has conducted training programs in ASCI for IFS officers in the area of Natural Resource Management, Environmental Indicators and Environmental Economics, Climate change for forestry sector, besides organizing four International conferences and seven workshops.She has co-authored six books in the field of environment on Environmental Management Science and Engineering for Industry, Environmental Impact Assessment, Analytical Chemistry, C for Environmental Engineers, Climate Change and Weather Modification Technologies and Environmental Management – A primer. She has published around 32 papers in peer reviewed journals and also presented papers in various international conferences and workshops. She was awarded Associate Fellow of the AP Academy of Sciences in 2010 and Fellow APAS in 2015 for her contribution to the field of Environmental Engineering and Technology. She is also currently the associate editor for the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, by Taylor and Francis group. She is presently executing projects sponsored by MHRD, MoEFCC, DST and other state governments like AP Biodiversity Authority and NCSCM, Chennai to name a few.

Book Details

Digital publication
Jan 2022

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